    摘  要:崇明老白酒是传统老米酒的一个分支,具有重要的历史文化价值,但存在混浊度较高,风不佳等问题。本课题采用传统的感官评定及理化分析方法,结合现代风分析技术如电子舌、GC-MS等,在系统分析崇明老白酒与日本清酒在感官评价、糖度、酸度、pH值、固形物含量、酒精度以及电子舌图谱和挥发性成分等基础上,以古法酿造的崇明老白酒为基料,通过用日本清酒原酒以及添加糖、酸、挥发性风物质等方法进行改良,并通过离心过滤来提高崇明老白酒的澄清度。研究结果表明:(1)古法酿造的崇明老白酒风不佳的主要原因是崇明老白酒混浊,酒精以及酸度、糖度、酒精度偏低,崇明老白酒与日本清酒在挥发性风化合物的种类上差不多,但是在部分风化合物(如乙酸乙酯、丙醇)的含量有着显著差异;(2)对崇明老白酒进行基本风以及挥发性风化合物的改良结果为:糖添加量2g/100mL,乳酸添加量0.8 g/100mL,乙酸乙酯9.5mg/L,丙醇3.6mg/L,苯甲醛10.8mg/L,糠醛1.8mg/L后,通过感官评价及电子舌分析表明改良的崇明老白酒酒接近日本清酒的风及品质;(3)5000r/min离心15min可有效降低崇明老白酒的固形物,非糖固形物为7.09g/L,澄清效果最佳。(4)经改良的崇明老白酒的理化指标为:总糖8.6g/L,总酸9.2g/L,非糖固形物7.09g/L,酒精度13.3(%voL),pH 4,总体品质接近于日本清酒菊正宗。29281
    Quality improvement of traditional old rice wine
    Abstract:Chongming old rice wine has important historical and cultural value, but there is high turbidity, such problems as poor flavor. This subject adopts the traditional sensory evaluation and physical and chemical analysis method, combined with modern analysis technology such as electronic tongue, GC - MS, etc., in system analysis chongming old rice wine and sake in sensory evaluation, sugar, acidity, pH, solid content, alcohol content, and the electronic tongue and volatile components, etc, on the basis of, based on ancient brewing chongming old rice wine by Japanese sake base liquor and added sugar, acid, volatile flavor substances, such as method is improved, and through the centrifugal filter to improve the clarity of chongming old rice wine. The results show that: (1) the wine brewing chongming old rice wine flavor is the main reason of the chongming old rice wine turbidity, alcohol and acidity, low sugar, alcohol degrees, chongming old white wine and sake on the kinds of volatile flavor compounds in about the same, but in some parts of the flavor compounds such as ethyl acetate, propyl alcohol content has a significant difference;(2) the basic on chongming old rice wine flavor and the improved result is: the volatile flavor compounds of sugar content of 2 g / 100 ml, lactic acid content is 0.8 g / 100 ml, ethyl acetate, 9.5 mg/L, propyl alcohol 7.6 mg/L, benzene, formaldehyde, 10.8 mg/L, after furfural 1.8 mg/L, through sensory evaluation and the electronic tongue analysis indicates that the improved chongming old rice wine is closer to the Japanese wine flavor and wine quality.;(3) 5000 r/min, the centrifugal 15 min can effectively reduce the chongming old rice wine solids, the sugar solids is 7.09 g/L, clarify the best effect. (4) the improvement of the physical and chemical indicators of chongming old rice wine are as follows: 8.6 g/L of total sugar, total acid is 9.2 g/L, not sugar solids 7.09 g/L, 13.3 alc (voL %), pH 4. The quality of the improved old rice wine is similar to that of the saki.
    KeyWords: Chongming old rice wine; Sake; physical and chemical indicators; non-sugar solidity; flavor compounds
     目    录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1崇明老白酒概述    1
    1.2酒风物质的研究概况    1
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