    Study on the development of multi-grain hard bread
    Abstract:First,this paper studies the multi-grain flour, the impact of raw materials and operating conditions on the sensory quality of hard bread and hematocrit,determine the production of rigid multi-grain bread recipe with the main process this paper.The results showed that ,when you add Oat flour to make bread, add the amount to 6% is more appropriate. when you add buckwheat flour to make bread, add the amount to 6% is more appropriate. when you add flaxseed flour to make bread, add the amount to 4% is more appropriate. when you add wheat bran flour to make bread, add the amount to 4% is more appropriate. The result showed that in the multi-grain bread production of rigid,the best production formula(baked ratio%) of high-gluten flour 210, flaxseed powder 10, buckwheat flour 15,rye flour 15, yeast 5, salt 2, bread improver 2, gluten 5, sugar 10, butter 12, water 135.The main parameters of the production process for bread:kneading time 6-10min,basic fermentation time 60min, proofing time 45min,the best baking temperature is 200℃ upwardly,180℃ below,the best baking time is 20 minute.At this point, multi-grain hard bread taste best,there are back sweet, crust color, the cortex is relatively good, soft and fine internal organization. Measured using the texture analyzer, multi-grain hard crust hardness 1097.3g, crumb hardness of the core 738.0g.
    Key Words:hard bread;flaxseed powder;tartary buckwheat flour;oat flour
    目  录
    1 引言    1
      1.1 面包概述    1
          1.1.1 面包的分类    1
          1.1.2 面包的发展近况    2
      1.2 多谷物概述    3
          1.2.1 荞麦    3
          1.2.2.燕麦    4
          1.2.3亚麻籽    4
          1.2.4 麦麸    4
          1.2.5杂粮在面包中的研究应用    5
      1.3 本课题的立题背景、研究内容及意义    5
    2 材料与方法    7   
      2.1 实验材料    7
      2.2 实验仪器与设备    7
      2.3 实验方法    7
          2.3.1 硬质面包的制作    7
          2.3.2 面包的感官评定    8
          2.3.3 面包比容的测定    8
          2.3.4 面包质构的测定    9
    3 结果与讨论    10
      3.1 硬质面包制作配方及工艺的初步确定    10
      3.2 谷物粉对硬质面包品质的影响    10
          3.2.1 燕麦粉对面包感官品质及比容的影响    10
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