    The preparation process route and parameters design of low sugar high-fiber bean curd cake
    Abstract: This topic as raw materials, such as flour, sugar, eggs, sensory score as the main index, through single factors and orthogonal analysis confirm the basic formula of sponge cake, on the basis of adding tofu to raise the content of the dietary fiber in cake ,  in order to reduce the amount of sugar in cake, at the same time using xylitol to replace part of sugar, finally compare the finished product with the bean curd cake on the market.he research indicates that the best formula and process of low sugar high-fiber cake is 300 grams cake flour, 5 eggs, 94.5 grams sugar,40.5grams xylitol, 25 grams oil cake, 70 grams salad oil,2 grams baking powder, 3 grams salt, 100 grams water, 40 grams tofu, heat temperature of 190 ℃, the fire temperature of 180 ℃, baking time for 20 minutes,  beating time of cake pulp for 10 minutes. The protein of cake with  tofu  is higher than bean curd cake  on the market. Part of sugar replaced by xylitol can reduce the sugar content of bean curd cake.
    Keywords:sensory score; tofu; xylitol; low sugar high-fiber cake
    1 绪论    1
    1.1蛋糕的研究概况    1
    1.1.1蛋糕的定义及分类    1
    1.1.2蛋糕的市场发展现状    1
    1.2糖类替代品的介绍    2
    1.2.1功能性糖的定义及分类    2
    1.2.2功能性糖的作用    2
    1.2.3木糖醇    3
    1.2.4膳食纤文的功能    3
    1.3豆腐及豆腐渣的营养价值    4
    1.3.1豆腐的营养价值    4
    1.3.2豆腐渣的营养价值    4
    1.4研究目的和意义    5
    1.5主要研究内容    5
    2 实验材料和方法    6
    2.1实验材料    6
    2.1.1原料与试剂    6
    2.1.2 仪器与设备    7
    2.2 实验方法    7
    2.2.1豆腐与豆腐渣水分测定    7
    2.2.2低糖高纤蛋糕配方与工艺的确定    7
    2.2.3蛋糕比容的测定    9
    2.2.4蛋糕的感官评分标准    10
    2.2.5蛋白质的测定    10
    2.2.6总糖的测定    11
    2.2.7干燥失重率的测定    12
    2.2.8蛋糕质构的测定    12
    3 结果与讨论    13
    3.1豆腐与豆腐渣水分测定    13
    3.2低糖高纤蛋糕配方与工艺的确定    13
    3.2.1海绵蛋糕最佳基础配方的确定    13
    3.2.2海绵蛋糕最佳基础配方的优化    17
    3.2.3低糖高纤蛋糕最佳配方的确定    19
    3.2.4低糖高纤蛋糕最佳配方的优化    21
    3.2.5低糖高纤蛋糕最佳工艺的确定    23
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