
    摘要本次设计的主要内容是完成小吨位履带式液压挖掘机挖掘机构的设计。在这 个城乡建设事业迅猛发展的新社会,小吨位挖掘机的用处越来越多。不仅在工业 上被广泛应用,如采矿业,冶金业等,而且在民用方面的用处也日益增多,如楼 房建设,道路建设、转运物料等。70358

    本文通过对国内外小型挖掘机发展现状研究,结合当今社会对其功能的需 要,根据任务书中的斗容量要求,对履带式液压小吨位挖掘机的挖掘机构进行了 系统的设计与校核计算。依据已定的铲斗容量,选择了合适的参照对象(江苏徐 州徐工集团生产的 XE135C 液压挖掘机)。进一步确定了挖掘机的整体机重,液 压系统的额定压力等部分参数。通过查阅相关的论文文献,结合机械设计手册的 要求,对该型号挖掘机的主要参数进行了计算,如挖掘机的最大挖掘高度、深度 以及最大挖掘范围等内容。同时对挖掘机工作装置的主要部件(铲斗、动臂、斗 杆)进行了计算,对相应的液压系统的缸筒、活塞、活塞杆等辅助构件进行了选 型设计,并且对其机械强度完成了校核。

    该论文有图 40 幅,表 5 个,参考文献 33 篇。


    The Design of Excavating Mechanism for Small Tonnage Excavator

    Abstract The main content of this design is to accomplish the design of excavating mechanism for small tonnage excavator. In this new society, with the increasing development of urban an rural construction, more and more mini type crawler hydraulic excavators are used in perse fields. Not only have they been used in the construction of industry, such as coal mines, metallurgy ; but also they have been applied in the construction for civil use , such as the building of houses, roads and the materials transport.

    In this thesis, I did some research of the development of mini type excavator in all around the world, complied with the needs of the functions at present. According to the bucket capacity given by my instruction teacher, I accomplished the designs and the test calculations for the excavating mechanism of mini type crawler hydraulic excavators. I chose a suitable reference object ,XE135C which was produced by Xugong Group in jiangsu . What’s more,I calculated the total weight of excavator and some parameters about hydraulic system through reading the related thesis  and patents, according to the requirements of books for mechanism design, I calculated the main parameters, such as the maximum working height of the excavator, the deepest height and the biggest distance that the Excavating Mechanism can reach. Meanwhile, I designed the main parts, such as stick, bucket, swing arm and so on, and chose the standard size of resistant parts. In addition, I did some calculation to make sure the excavator can work normally.

    There are forty pictures,five tablets thirty three references bibliographies in this thesis all together.

    Key Words: hydraulic excavator; stick; swing arm; bucket; cylinder.

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    录.. Ⅲ

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    变量注释表 VI

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究意义 1

    1.2 课题研究国内外现状 1

    1.3 论文构成及其研究内容 5

    1.4 任务要求 6

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