




    毕业论文关键词  曲柄压力机  传动系统  设计计算  三维造型  运动仿真


    Title   The Design of the Drive System of J31-315 Single  Point Crank Presse


    Forging machinery is very important in industry field. It is widely used in automobile,agriculture,national defense,electronics and other fields. The drive system of J31-315 single point crank Press is proposed and designed in this paper.

    Firstly, the application field of crank press was introduced in this paper. The classification, models, main technical parameters, the working principle and structure of crank press were introduced in detail. In addition, domestic research status and development trend were reviewed and the significance of the research topic was given. 

    Secondly, the overall design scheme of press transmission system was given and the overall diagram of transmission system was determined according to the parameters given in the task. Then, the typical parts of press transmission system were calculated and checked to satisfy the requirements of the press machinery. 

    Finally, the Pro.E 5.0 was used to model the parts and assembly body, and the motion simulation was finished to prove the verification of the design.

    Keywords  Crack press   Drive system  Design and calculation  Three dimensional modeling   Motion simulation

    目   次                              

    1绪论 3

    1.1引言 3

    1.2曲柄压力机的分类 3

    1.3曲柄压力机的型号和技术参数 7

    1.4曲柄压力机的工作原理及结构 8

    1.5曲柄压力机的国内外研究状况及发展趋势 9

    1.5.1曲柄压力机国内外研究状况 9

    1.5.2曲柄压力机的发展趋势 10

    1.6 课题研究意义 10

    1.7 论文各章节内容安排 10

    1.8本章小结 11

    2.压力机总体方案设计 12

    2.1 传动系统布置及设计 12

    2.2 离合器和制动器选择和安装 13

    2.3 电机的选择 17

    2.4传动级数和各速比的分配 18

    2.5 本章小结 19

    3压力机传动系统典型零部件的设计及计算 20

    3.1电动机的设计计算 20

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