




    毕业论文关键词  物料传输轨道 ,solidworks建模 ,adams仿真 ,物料传输特性


    Title  High-speed transmission drive coupling characteristics analysis                                                  


    This paper analyzes the transmission of a given material dimensions suitable for the use of a cylindrical bar, designed specifically for the transport of a bar of this size track. 

    By solidworks three-dimensional design software for the design of the track modeling, while building material model and roller drive model, establish assembly drawing of the model will be assembled, check and modify the assembly drawing up the results for non-interference. 

    Built a good assembly drawings saved as *.x_t format, introduction adams software. Define gravity environment, quality of materials and components, deputy campaign, collision relationships and power, set up after the completion of the simulation length and number of frames to start the simulation. 

    After the simulation the transmission characteristics of materials available, select an appropriate sample of the required data and mapping analysis, and ultimately get the transmission characteristics of the material.

    Keywords  Material transfer orbit, solidworks modeling, adams simulation, material handling characteristics

    目  录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究课题及研究目的、意义 1

    1.2  主要研究内容、途径及技术路线 1

    2  物料传输方案确定 2

    2.1  物料传输初始条件分析 2

    2.2  可选传输方式的比较 2

    2.3  确定物料传输方案 3

    3  物料传输简化模型设计 5

    3.1  模型总体设计 5

    3.2  物料传输轨道设计 5

    3.3  物料设计 13

    3.4  建立装配图 14

    4  虚拟样机仿真 18

    4.1  仿真前期准备工作 18

    4.2  开始仿真 23

    4.3  获得物料传输特性数据 24

    4.4  分析仿真数据 27

    结  论 29

    致  谢 30

    参 考 文 献 31

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