



    Title    A structural design of the equivalent loading experimental device about the underwater shock                     


    Tacking underwater explosion as research background, the topic studies on a equivalent loading device which is used to detect underwater shock waves. Being helpful to study the theory of  underwater explosion in labs, the device consists of  a bullet launch system, a bullet gun system,  a water tank target system, and a pressure measurement system. These systems form a simple device for indoor simulation of underwater explosion. The device has high repeatability, low cost, short test cycle, good controllability, good security and operability. In order to provide basis for the study of underwater explosion, the paper makes a detailed description about the device’s principle and design, pressure measurement system, strength checking and so on.

    Keywords   Shock wave,The equivalent loading,Underwater explosion,

    The experimental device,Pressure measurement

    目  次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  国内外研究的研究现状 1

    1.2  水下爆炸的实验技术研究 1

    1.3  水下爆炸仿真技术研究 3

    1.2  水下爆炸测试技术研究 3

    2  实验室水下冲击模拟器的基本原理 5

    2.1  水下冲击波的形成及特点 5

    2.2  水中冲击波的初始参数 5

    2.3  水下爆炸的理论计算 6

    2.4  水下爆炸的仿真计算 8

    3  冲击波等效加载实验装置的建立 13

    3.1  子弹发射系统 13

    3.2  子弹测速系统 13

    3.3  水靶舱系统 13

    3.4  压力测量系统 16

    3.5  水靶舱的强度校核 16

    4  冲击波等效加载实验装置的压力测量 20

    4.1  传感器 20

    4.1.1  自由场压力传感器技术发展现状 20

    4.1.2  结构物表面压力传感器国内外发展现状 21

    4.1.3  传感器的选定 22

    4.2  示波器 23

    4.2.1  示波器的特点 24

    4.2.2  示波器的选择

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