

    毕业论文关键词:  采摘机械手  方案设计  运动仿真


    Title   Mobile manipulator's structure design and motion  simulation control           

    Abstract In recent years, agricultural production is developing in the direction of the scale, persification and collaboration and the agricultural labor force cost rises rapidly, and now countries around the world are faced with the problem of aging population, and the labor shortage phenomenon has become increasingly obvious and agricultural robot technology has been paid more and more attention. However, because of the complexity of the fruit and vegetable picking work, picking automation level is still low. Especially the key parts -- picking robot manipulator, its complex structure, control such complicated factors, lead to the low work efficiency, production cost is high, so it cannot be widely applied in agriculture. Therefore, it is very significant to develop mechanized harvesting technology, research and development, fruit and vegetable picking robot.To research and develop fruit and vegetable picking robot at home and abroad is still in the test phase, the process of its practical application and commercialization is still very arduous, robot is one of the main reasons for concrete structure design and analysis of the shortcomings. Therefore, in this paper the structure of picking robot manipulator design and motion control simulation was studied experimental, puts forward a five degree of freedom picking manipulator. Specific research contents are as follows:

    (1) In view of the problems faced in the past manipulator, designing a kind of structure is relatively simple two apple picking manipulator.

    (2) Using 3 d solid modeling software solidworks entity prototype of the manipulator model is set up, and import the simulation software ADAMS carries on the kinematics simulation, making the manipulator directly enter the whole movement process.

    Key words:  apple picking robot   program design   motion simulation

    1  绪 论 1

    1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2 机器人的组成及分类 1

    1.2.1 机器人的组成 1

    1.2.2 机器人的分类 1

    1.3 果蔬采摘机器人发展及应用现状 2

    1.3.1 国外发展现状 2

    1.3.2 国内发展现状

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