




    Title  Design Of Automatic Toll Changing Control System Of Disc Magazine Based On MCGS Configuration Software  

    Abstract Configuration software is a general level software tool which can provide users with the function of build the industrial automatic control monitoring fast under flexible configuration mode.PLC uses programmable memory, performs operating instructions like logical operations, sequence and arithmetic operations in its internal memory, and through digital or analog input and output, control machinery or production processes.

    By using MCGS configuration software we can realize analog disc magazine ATC. Disc magazine includes vertical and horizontal tools, knives of different forms have different ATC ways, we use the switching of two different animation to show complete tool change process, and to realize MCGS disc magazine ATC control system design.

    Complete the Automatic tool change control of disc magazine ATC based on PLC programming and a real-time monitoring of MCGS configuration software.

    Key words:MCGS,PLC,Disc magazine,ATC

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  盘式刀库及自动换刀系统 1

    1.3  MCGS组态软件及其应用 2

    1.4  主要研究内容 4

    1.5  本章小结 4

    2  总体方案设计 5

    2.1   盘式刀库及主轴自动换刀过程 5

    2.2  盘式刀库控制系统 8

    2.3  本章小结 8

    3  PLC控制系统设计 9

    3.1  PLC的选型 9

    3.2  PLC的地址分配 11

    3.3  盘式刀库自动选刀设计 12

    3.4  本章小结 13

    4  MCGS监控系统设计 14

    4.1  绘制监控图形 14

    4.2  定义数据对象 17

    4.3  进行动画连接 22

    4.4  设置设备构件 22

    4.5  编写控制流程 24

    4.6  本章小结 24

    5系统调试 25

    5.1模拟实验电路 25

    5.2 PLC调试 26

    5.3 PLC与MCGS连接调试 27

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