
    (3)As the grey GM (N, H) model has the characteristic of predictive power, this paper embedded GM (1, 1) model into the Calman filter method. The results show that, combined with the grey GM (N, H) model, Calman filtering model is well consonant with the observation data.                    (4)This paper studied a number of transient processes of explosive forming process in the eyes of detonation driving. This paper has shaped EFP into three parts: head, compact middle section, cracking tail section. Simulation of EFP explosive forming process from detonation beginning to the metal flow, liner collapse and forming penetrator was given. The EFP head length was estimated by means of simultaneous velocity model and Taylor angle model. The EFP length and diameter of compact middle section were estimated by means of fluid dynamics model. The tail cracking effect was estimated by means of material stress model.

    Keywords: explosively formed penetrator, transient process, grey system, coupling error, normalization, global approximation, Calman filtering, gray GM (N, H) model, differential equation, detonation driving

    摘要: 4

    Abstract: 5

    1绪论 9

    1.1引言 9

    1.2研究现状 10

    1.3本文的主要工作 13

    2基于灰关联度分析的变尺度二次规划EFP优化算法 15

    2.1灰色系统理论与灰关联度分析 15

    2.2利用灰色系统理论进行关联度分析 16

    2.3折算等效关联度 19

    2.4 EFP系统设计参数优化 21

    2.5成型装药的整体几何优化 24

    2.6 EFP优化实例 25

    2.7优化方法的优点与局限性 27

    3基于卡尔曼滤波的整体近似EFP优化方法 28

    3.1卡尔曼滤波简介 28

    3.2建立EFP优化设计过程卡尔曼滤波模型 29

    3.3扩展卡尔曼滤波方程 33

    3.4对EFP 案例采用卡尔曼滤波技术的递推过程详解 34

    3.5卡尔曼滤波方法的迭代终止条件 36

    3.6卡尔曼滤波优化方法的使用评价 37

    4基于灰色GM(N,H)模型的卡尔曼滤波EFP优化方法 39

    4.1灰色GM模型简介 39

    4.2灰色GM模型建立方法 40

    4.3 EFP灰色GM模型 40

    4.4灰色GM模型在卡尔曼滤波应用中的不足 42

    5 EFP药型罩爆轰成型瞬态过程探讨 43

    5.1药型罩爆轰成型第一阶段 46

    5.2药型罩爆轰成型第二阶段 50

    5.3药型罩爆轰成型第三阶段 57

    5.4两边端点同时起爆方式的EFP成型过程 66

    6总结与展望 72

    6.1文章总结 72


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