    关键词: 滑动轴承试验机;加载系统;主机机架
      The host design for small sliding bearing test-bed
    Abstract: The design is about the small sliding bearing test-bed. The major role of the design is the loading system and the rack of the host. The design of loading system mainly includes the design of the hydraulic circuit ,the base of the sliding bearing,the load mechanism and the selection of hydraulic components.The design of the main frame includes the rigidity inspections of the beam, and the strength inspections of bolted connection .The system requirements is that during loading it must meet the test performance of the national requirement, test parameters and dynamic track. To simulate the working conditions of sliding bearings in the testing beds, parameters can be tested which are important to analyze the factors that influence the sliding properties, improve the sliding conditions, optimizing the design of bearings and extend the durations.
    Key Words: bearing test-bed;loading system;rack of the host
     目 录
    1序言    2
    1.1 前言    2
    1.2滑动轴承简介    2
    1.3 滑动轴承试验机概述    3
    1.3.1 滑动轴承试验机设计的目的    3
    1.3.2 滑动轴承试验机的用途    3
    1.3.3 滑动轴承试验机的主要性能参数    5
    1.3.4 滑动轴承试验机传感器的选择    6
    1.3.5 滑动轴承试验机加载系统组成    6
    1.3.6 滑动轴承试验机主机机架    6
    1.4 试验机设计的原始条件及滑动轴承的作用机理    6
    1.4.1 试验机设计的原始条件    6
    1.4.2 滑动轴承的作用机理    6
    1.5 设计的研究范围    7
    2 设计内容及设计步骤    8
    2.1 主机机架的设计    8
    2.1.1 铝型材的选择    8
    2.1.2圆柱头螺栓和T型螺母的连接    9
    2.1.3 法兰螺母和T型螺栓的连接    11
    2.1.4 直角支架的选择    12
    2.1.5 主机机架的理论计算    13
    2.2 加载系统的设计    17
    2.2.1 加载方式的设计    18
    2.2.2 液压加载系统的原理    18
    2.2.3 加载机构的设计    25
    2.3小型液压泵站的选择    29
    2.4 力传感器的安装部分设计    31
    2.5 总体设计方案    31
    2.6 实验分析    32
    3 总成设计    33
    4 结论    35
    致  谢    36
    参考文献    37
    1.1 前言
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