







    Abstract The jack-up platform has been widely applied due to the vigorous development of the marine areas, while collision has always been threatening the safety of jack-up platform structure, once the platform accident occurs, unpredictable economic losses will be caused, even serious environmental pollution. The destruction of the jack-up platform often starts at the tubular and tubular joints of notched structure, and spreads to the surrounding, until the whole platform collapses. And tubular K joints is common in jack-up platform, so the collision performance of tubular K joints at the deep-sea jack-up platform will be studied and analyzed in this paper.

    In this paper, tubular K joints drop test has been carried out and the damage deformation of tubular K joint specimen has been observed. Based on this, the analytical expressions of tubular K joints energy dissipation have been derived. Then the finite element software ABAQUS has been used to simulate tubular K joints drop test, and the contrast between numerical simulation results and test results has verified the reliability of numerical simulation. In the meantime, comparison between numerical simulation results and analytical results has verified the accuracy of analytical method. The main research work and conclusions are as follows:

    (1)The scheme of tubular K joint drop test has been designed. And tubular K joint drop test has been conducted to obtain parameters such as impact force, plastic deformation and so on, which has provided basis for subsequent simulation and the analysis and verification of analytic calculation.

    (2)Based on the plastic mechanics theory, combined with tubular K joint test, the analytical expressions of tubular K joint energy dissipation have been derived.

    (3)On the basis of tubular K joint drop test, finite element software ABAQUS has been used to conduct numerical simulation. The deformation mechanism of tubular K joint during the collision has been analyzed and the rules showing the influence of impact height on structural dynamic response have been explored.

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