


    Components Numerical Control Processing Craft Analysis and Craft Equipment Design

    ABSTRACT The high efficiency, the precision work are one of numerical control engine bed processing most main characteristics. Using the numerical control engine bed processing, its product processing quality uniformity is good, the processing precision and the efficiency outdo compared to the ordinary engine bed very much, especially when outline not rule, complex curve or curved surface, multi-craft recombine processing and high accuracy request product processing, its merit is the traditional engine bed is unable to compare. This topic to the opposite sex body, the complex curve, the multi-craft recombine processing carries on the exploration, designs three practical and feasible technical processes and the craft equipment. In the product processing process, the work piece appears in jig localization and the clamp specially importantly. Must act according to six localizations to carry on the reasonable localization to the product, owes the localization, locates completely crosses the localization all to have to act according to the actual production process decision. The jig covered from has processed clamps the equipment to the assembly nearly all operating process one kind of attire. Because the massive processing operation needs to install clamps, the jig design changes can it be that the constant weight in the manufacture system to want, it affects the processing quality directly, the productivity and the production cost. This article through the analysis support components, the air compressor snifting valve lid as well as the supporting the unique feature and the processing request which wraps, has formulated a set of reasonable jig design, thus for guaranteed this components the processing precision will provide one economical practical craft equipment, will have certain practical value. Through to each kind of localization clamp analysis comparison, chose and combines a set both to be able to satisfy the processing request, and the quite succinct installment, and carried on the numerical control programming to each step working procedure.

    Key word:  numerical control processing, technical process, jig design


    1 引言5

     1.1 三维CAD设计 5

    1.2 数字样机的介绍 8

    1.3 本课题介绍  10

    2 制动钳零件加工中心加工工艺   12

     2.1 制动钳零件结构特点  12

     2.2 加工中心工步说明卡和刀具选用卡介绍  13

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