    摘要我国目前一般采用锤式破碎机或齿辊式破碎机。锤式破碎机是以高速运动的锤头打击物料,在破碎腔内受到相互破碎冲击和剪切,可控性很差,容易产生 过粉碎,而且对入料度有限制,不适合粗、中碎作业。随着国家经济建设的快速发展,将对矿藏资源需求量更高、更好,国家有限的资源量将无法满足更多的需求,双齿辊式破碎机不仅要具有高效性、环保性,更要具有复合性。通常使用的破碎机在工作时只能粗略的对矿石进行破碎,很多还需要二次破碎,仍无法满足生产生活需要,为此就不得不改变物料的破碎方式,物料的破碎效率,物料破碎的安全性环保性等多方面问题,而齿辊式破碎机是在齿的作用下对物料进行劈碎,破碎后的物料直接排出,因此破碎粒度比较均匀。ZPG-LC—500×1500轮齿式破碎机是在吸取国内 外先进技术的基础上研制和设计出来的高强力破碎机,很有发展前景和市场前景。27707
    毕业论文关键词:  轮齿式破碎机,结构,破碎机,设计
    Abstract At present our country generally use the hammer crusher or toothed roll crusher. Hammer crusher is dead against high velocity material, in the crushing cavity by mutual impact crushing and shearing, the controllability is poor, had to smash easily, but there are restrictions on the size, not suitable for the coarse, medium crushing operation. With the rapid development of national economic construction, the demand for mineral resources of higher, better, the amount of resource limited country will not be able to meet more demand, double toothed roll crusher not only has the advantages of high efficiency, environmental protection, but also to have the compound. The crusher is usually used only crude crushing ore at work, many still need two broken, is still unable to meet the production needs of life, this will have to change the way the material crushing, crushing efficiency of material, material safety and environmental protection etc. broken problem, and toothed roll crusher is in tooth role of materials hack, the crushed material is discharged directly, so the crushing granularity uniform. ZPG-LC 500 * 1500 gear type crushing machine is developed and designed based on absorbing advanced technology at home and abroad on the crusher, a development prospects and market prospects.
    Keyword:Gear type crusher, crushing machine, structure, design
    第一章 绪   论    1
    第二章 轮齿式破碎机工作原理及参数    7
    2.1轮齿式破碎机的组成    7
    2.2轮齿式破碎机的工作原理    8
    2.3原始条件及数据    10
    第三章 轮齿式破碎机机构方案选择    12
    第四章 传动装置的设计计算    15
    4.1传动比计算    15
    4.2参数计算    15
    4.3带传动的设计及计算    17
    4.3.1计算功率    17
    4.3.2 选择带型    17
    4.3.3 确定小带轮的基准直径    18
    4.3.4 确定中心距     18
    4.3.5 验算主动轮上的包角    19
    4.3.6 确定带的根数    19
    4.3.7 确定带的预紧力    19
    4.3.8带传动压轴力    20
    4.3.9 带轮结构的设计    20
    4.4  联轴器的选择与校核    24
    4.4.1 联轴器类型的选择    24
    4.4.2 联轴器的选择    24
    第五章 减速器的设计    25
    5.1 总体设计方案    25
    5.2 减速器传动比的分配    25
    5.3 齿轮的设计    27
    5.3.1 高速级传动齿轮的设计    27
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