
    摘要:此次设计课题是由西门子工业软件(上海)有限公司所提供。设计内容是具有与实际相结合、可行性高的特点。本次模具设计对现阶段注塑工业制作塑料产品的方式方法进行了大量研究,并对塑料工业期刊进行了大量的调查。本塑件是电视盒上较典型的上下盖类零件,形状较复杂,有侧抽,且有多个方向的倒扣,精度要求高,表面质量高,1+1成型对模具结构设计有一定要求。另外成型零件的加工也是设计中的又一个难点。本文经一番探讨设计方案与难点的解决方法后,拟定了两个方案,并进行了分析比较。通过利用NX/Mold Wizard模块来辅助设计和标准件的调用,使得在模具设计的过程中一些非常耗时且复杂的设计计算变得十分精确和便捷,大大得缩短了工作时间,提高了模具设计效率。按照塑料成型工艺要求,进行了塑件成型工艺性分析,拟定模具的结构形式和初选注射机,选用模架,并对塑料成型所用到的系统,包括浇注系统,顶出系统,冷却系统和排气系统进行了细致的计算和设计。用HIPS材料制成的产品会由1+1大水口两板模加工完成。61730

    毕业论文关键词: 注塑模;1+1;注塑模向导

    1+1 TV box cover injection moulds design        on two board based on NX/Mold Wizard

    Abstract: This design is provided by the SIEMENS industrial software (Shanghai) limited company. The design content is a combination of the actual and the characteristics of high feasibility. In this design, a large number of methods and methods of injection molding industry are studied, and a large number of investigations are carried out. The plastic part is a typical upper and lower cover parts of the television box, the shape is more complex, a side pumping, and a plurality of direction of the inverted buckle, high precision, high surface quality, the mold structure design has certain requirements. Another part of the processing of the design is also a difficult point. After discussion of the design scheme and the solution of the difficulty, the two schemes are worked out, and the analysis and comparison are carried out. In accordance with the requirements of the plastics molding, plastic parts molding process analysis, draws up the mold structure and primary injection machine, selection of mold, and molding of plastics used in the system, including the gating system, ejector system, cooling system and the exhaust system were detailed calculation and design. The products made of HIPS material will be processed by the 1+1 nozzle two plate mold.

    Key words: injection mould; 1+1;NX/Mold Wizard

    目  录

     1 绪论  1

    1.1  课题来源1

    1.2  选题背景及意义2

       1.3  注射模的可视化设计2

    2  塑件产品分析3

    2.1  塑件的使用性能4

    2.2  塑件的尺寸精度5

    2.3  塑件的表面质量5

    2.4  HIPS工程塑料的性能分析 6

    2.5  注射成型过程及工艺参数 6

    3  分型面的选择和校选注射机 7

    3.1  分型面位置的确定 8

    3.2  型腔数量的确定 11

    3.3  侧向分型抽芯机构的确定 12

    3.4  注射机型号的选用及校核13

    4  浇注系统的设计 15

    4.1  主流道的设计 15

    4.2  分流道的设计 16

    4.3  浇口的设计 17

    4.4  校核主流道的剪切速率 17

    5  成型零件的结构设计及计算 18

    5.1  成型零件结构设计 18

    5.2  成型零件钢材的选用 20

    5.3  成型零件工作尺寸的计算 21

    5.4  成型零件尺寸及动模塾板厚度的计算 22

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