

    1. 自动突击炮原理分析:了解自动突击炮的结构和工作原理。

    2. 在分析自动突击炮发射原理及其要求基础上,构建自动突击炮炮架方案,设计自动突击炮炮架结构。

    3. 设计并选出合理的炮架方案,画出三维图,零件图和整体图。

    4. 对炮架进行力学分析和强度计算。


    毕业论文关键词  自动突击炮 炮架  分析  设计  计算


    Title    Automatic assault gun Weapon mount                                                 

    Abstract Mount is the general term for various institutions to support gun, gun used in different condition. Mount's role is: Support gun, given certain to bear force gun, gun, gun design to ensure the static and stability, and as the scaffold firing and during exercise. On the base of many references, design of 35mm automatic assault gun carriage, The main work of this paper can be summarized as follows:

    First: Automatic assault gun principle analysis: understanding the structure and working principle of automatic assault gun .

    Second: In the analysis of automatic assault gun principle and based on the requirements, construction of automatic assault gun mount, mount structure design of automatic assault.

    Third: Design and select the carriage plan reasonable, draw three-dimensional diagram, parts diagram and the overall diagram.

    Fourth: Mechanical analysis and strength calculation for the carriage of.

    Finally design the structure of the follow-through warhead.

    Keywords  Automatic assault gun   weapon mount  analysis  design  count

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文的研究目的、手段及主要内容 2

    1.3.1  研究目的 2

    1.3.2  研究手段 2

    1.3.3  主要内容 2

    1.4  本章小结 3

    2炮架的总体设计理论 4

    2.1炮架结构设计概念 4

    2.2炮架结构设计的基本内容及要求 4

    2.3结构设计步骤和工艺性 4

    2.4主要结构的确定 5

    2.5 基本尺寸确定 5

    2.6 减轻炮架质量的措施 7

    3炮架总体设计 8

    3.1回转机构及脚架体的设计 8

    3.3架腿与脚架体的连接 9

    3.3 .1方案一 9

    3.3.2 方案2

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