





    Title Programs and structural design of human upper limb exoskeleton                                        

    Abstract The human upper limb exoskeleton is an endurance mechatronic product used to enhance human upper body strength. It makes human intelligence and machine strength together organically, which can complete alone the task that cannot be completed with the person's own ability under the control of the operator, and effectively enhance the human endurance.

    The exoskeleton development status at home and abroad as well as the application is introduced and the future development of this technology in prospects is analyzed in this thesis. Parameters that mechanism design of the human upper limb exoskeleton requires are determined through analysis of ergonomics, dynamics and other aspects.

    Based on the analysis of working mechanism of human upper limb exoskeleton, the human upper limb exoskeleton overall program is proposed, and the structure of the mechanical part is designed and analyzed. Three-dimensional model is created using Solidworks, and then the dynamics of this system is analyzed with Adams. Shoulder, elbow of Human upper limb exoskeleton can exercise according to a predetermined trajectory under normal circumstances that is proved, and the motion law accord with human body joints, so it can help users to lift heavy objects.

    Keywords:Human upper limb exoskeleton, Dynamics simulation, Mechanical structure design, Three-dimensional modeling

    1  绪论  1

    2  总体方案 7

    2.1尺寸选择 7

    2.2结构设计 9

    2.3材料选择 13

    2.4驱动方式 13


    2.6本章小结 18

    3  三维建模 19

    3.1人体上肢运动分析 19

    3.2相关计算 19

    3.3建立模型 25

    3.4本章小结 27

    4  运动仿真 28




    4.4本章小结 33

    结论 34

    致谢  35


     1  绪论

    人体上肢外骨骼作为一种用来增强人体上肢力量和耐力的机电一体化产品, 它能将人类的智力和机器的体力有机地结合在一起,能够在操作者的控制下完成靠人自身能力无法单独完成的任务。因此在机械手力反馈双向遥操作、虚拟现实、工业生产、航空航天军事等领域都有着非常广泛的应用。本课题在对人体上肢外骨骼工作机理进行分析的基础上,提出人体上肢外骨骼总体方案,并对其机械部分进行设计、分析和计算。源]自=751-·论~文"网·www.751com.cn/

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