



    毕业论文关键词:撞击起爆  弹丸结构  LS-DYNA仿真  勤务处理安全性  撞击目标可靠性


    Title  The explosive projectile charge simulation research of impact initiation technology

    25mm no fuze impact detonating grenade is a special kind of grenade, because they do not use fuses, relying solely on high-speed crash on the combustion agent render it  reaches critical initiation stress, then the combustion agent generate and deliver explosive detonation to the high explosive, Eventually make high explosive detonation and complete the explosion process.

      25mm no fuze impact detonating grenade,because it is simply relying on high-speed crash that detonating projectile, so there is a pair of innate contradiction: it is necessary to ensure that in the case of accidentally dropped in the service processing , the projectile will not detonate, but also to ensure that the at different speeds (that is , during the different phases of the flight of the projectile) and different angles, striking the target goal can be reliably detonate.

       This paper first discusses the dimensions and structural characteristics of the grenade, determined by calculating a more appropriate size of the various parts of the 25mm grenade, and check the strength of the various parts of the projectile. Then using the LD-DYNA software to establish the plate model of the projectile and target, and then mesh the projectile and target plate model. And then use the model established to simulate the process that the projectile drop in different angles in the service processing, based on the results, discusse the security of projectile in the service processing; And simulate the process that the projectile strik the target at different speeds and different angles, according to the results, discusse the reliability of the projectile when striking the target.

    Key words: impact detonation  projectile structure LS-DYNA simulation  Security of service processing  reliability when striking the target

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 弹药爆炸序列中直列爆炸元件火药装药概况 1

    1.2 榴弹25mm系列发展过程 1

    1.3 小口径榴弹的研究意义 3

    1.4 本文研究内容 3

    2 25mm无引信榴弹外形设计 5

    2.1 弹丸外形尺寸计算 5

    2.2 材料选取 9

    2.3 强度校核

  1. 上一篇:FSAE方程式赛车气动换挡执行机构设计
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