

    毕业论文关键字    侵彻  磨蚀  质量损失  空腔膨胀  

    Title: Theoretical Analysis on the mass loss of high-speed penetrating projectile


    The underground targets are usually protected by reinforced concrete and rocks when they are attacked by projectile; at a low penetrating speed, usually regard the projectile as a rigid. However, with the impact velocity increasing, the mass loss of projectile becomes unavoidable and it is not proper to treat it as rigid anymore. In order to maintain the integrity of the structure, the projectile should be keep as little deformation during the penetration. The mass loss of projectile may induce the instability of term anal ballistics of penetrator, and lead to its damage or structural failure. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanism of mass loss of projectile. Based on the dynamic cavity-expansion theory, the axial drag force is obtained. By the use of numerical method, enable the penetration of projectiles considering the abrasion and rigid body, respectively. Further analysis the impact of abrasion on penetration of projectile. 

    Keyword   penetration   abrasion    mass loss    cavity-expansion


    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究的背景及意义1

    1.2  不同侵彻速度下的侵彻行为1

    1.3  弹丸磨蚀的物理过程2

    1.4  国内外研究进展3

    1.5  本文研究内容3

    2  空腔膨胀理论5

    2.1  简介5

    2.2  球形空腔膨胀理论模型5 

    2.2.1 不可压缩材料  弹性-塑性响应6

    2.2.2 不可压缩材料 弹性-开裂-塑性响应9

    2.2.3 可压缩材料 弹性-塑性响应12

    2.2.4 可压缩材料 弹性-开裂-塑性响应14

    2.3  数值计算结果及分析18

    2.3.1  数值计算过程18

    2.3.2  结果分析22

    2.4  侵彻阻力模型22

    3  考虑质量损失的侵彻计算模型24

    3.1  理论公式24

    3.2  数值计算方法27

    4  刚性弹体的侵彻30

    4.1  刚性弹体侵彻方程30

    4.1.1  开坑阶段30

    4.1.2  稳定侵彻阶段32

    4.2  两种侵彻模型下数据对比与分析33





     1  绪论

    1.1  研究的背景及意义



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