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    Title    The Optimizational Design and Simulation Study  on The Fuze Zigzag Slot Device                                                 


    Because of the pushing of the powder gases,the whole bullet,including the fuze is affected by the setback force when the artillery,rocket projectiles and other weapons are launching.Although the shape of the curves of their setback force are similar,the values of the coordinate are quite different.The values of setback force of artillery,rocket projectiles and recoilless guns when they are launching are mostly close to the inertial force when they are falling,but sometimes the setback force are even far less than the inertial force,which put forward higher requirements on the fuze setback arming device in distinguishing the difference between launch environment and drop environment.As a classic setback arming device,the fuze zigzag device which has a simple structure, small volume, is able to distinguish the difference between low launching overload and drop environment.This item takes the fuze of a rocket projectile as the object of study, uses the motion equations of zigzag to establish the mathematical model,the software of MATLAB and Adams/View to conduct the numerical simulation and kinematics simulation on the motion of zigzag slot mechanism,then measure the motion parameters in the actual dropping process  of zigzag device by designing a test and compared the test results with the simulation results to verify the rationality and reliability of the model,so as to provide a basis and support for the optimizational design of zigzag slot device. After the further analysis of the results of the simulation, it shows that by increasing the mass of the inertia cylinder or the angle of the zigzag slot properly we can reduce the motion time of inertia cylinder, enhance the reliability of arming the setback insurance device in launching.Also at the same time, the simulation results also show that,the mass of inertia cylinder or the angle zigzag slot is too large is not conducive to the security of usual service processing. And at the same time,the comparison between the result of simulation and that of test verify the reliability of the model.

    Keywords  Fuze    Zigzag slot    Setback devices    Numerical simulation   Kinematics simulation 

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