


    毕业论文关键词     物流,仿真,Flexsim,建模,优化

     毕业设计说明书(论文) 外文摘要

    Title   The Modeling and Simulation of logistics system Base On Flexsim                                                  


    Wish economic getting global and China’s rapid economic growth and the

    Increased challenges which enterprises faced,modern logistics industry

    has been more attention. Through the use of computer simulation technology,it can optimize the bottlenecks in the process of the logistics, reduce the intensity of logistics, improve production efficiency and improve irrational facilities layout, in the end, it makes possible to achieve the purposes of savings cost and increasing corporate profits.

    This article is summarized the current logistics simulation system status,and introduced the simulation method and modeling steps of the discrete event system.Combined with the case ,modeling an garbage collection system with the use of Flexsim simulation software,and analysis the simulation,then put forward an optimization of the scheme,and compares the efficiency of the current system

    Keywords  logistics,simulation,Flexsim,modeling,optimization 

    1  绪论 2

    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义 2

    1.2  仿真技术软件——FLEXSIM 3

    1.3  国内外研究与应用现状 4

    2  物流系统仿真 7

    2.1  系统概述 7

    2.2  物流系统概述 8

    2.3  离散事件系统仿真 10

    2.4  建模方法与步骤 12

    3  案例介绍 14

    3.1  系统数据 14

    3.2  模型流程图 14

    4  仿真设计 15

    4.1  模型建立 15

    4.2  仿真模型参数 16

    5  仿真模型分析与改善 19

    5.1  仿真数据分析 19

    5.2  模型改善 23

    5.3  小结 30

    结  论 31

    致  谢 32

    参考文献 33

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义


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