


    毕业论文关键词  施工升降机 关键质量指标 质量管理系统设计


    Title    The quality management system design of building hoist                     


    As a factor in the market competition in today's society, “quality” draws more and more attention from all walks of life in recent years. How to effectively carry out quality management to provide high quality products or services to customers is the problem which many enterprises will face in the process of development. Against this background, the quality management information system arises at the historic moment.

    Paper starting with the actual situation of Wuxi Jiuy Heavy Machinery co., Ltd., according to the requirements of ISO9001-2000 quality management system standard, following the basic principles and procedures of establishing and implementing quality management system, establishes a quality management system for Jiuy. Then putting Jiuy’s main product SC type general building hoist as the research object, using the method of quality function deployment (QFD), through the establishment of the elevator quality houses at all levels to determine the key quality indicators. Finally, viaing system requirement analysis, function model design and database design, try to establish elevator quality management system to implement the effective management of the key quality indicators.

    Keywords  building hoist   key quality indicators   quality management system design

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  研究的内容和方法 2

    2  久一重工质量管理体系建立 3

    2.1  久一重工质量管理现状 3

    2.2  久一重工质量体系建立过程 4

    3  久一重工升降机质量功能展开 15

    3.1  用户需求调查 15

    3.2  工程措施的确定 17

    3.3  量化评估方法 20

    3.4  第一级质量屋的建立 22

    3.5  关键的设计要求及指标 23

    3.6  第二级质量屋的建立 23

    3.7  关键的零部件特性及指标 24

    3.8  第三级质量屋的建立 25

    3.9  关键的工艺要求及指标

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