    关键词 :1次分型面注射模具;侧浇口;内侧抽    
    Design of injection mold base cleaner
    Abstract: plastic mold used in today's society is more and more widely, from the computer, mobile phone, beverage, desk lamp, pen, the basin, the application is extremely broad, it can be said that from our food and clothing live line cannot do without it. Injection molding is the main method of forming thermoplastic parts, so a wide range of applications. The plastic injection molding is the raw material into the barrel through the heating and melting, making the high viscosity of the fluid, used as a plunger or screw compression tools, cavity melt through the nozzle into the higher pressure in the mold, after cooling, solidification stage, and then ejected from the mold, a plastic products. This graduation design is the design of injection mold for vacuum tube, based on process performance and number of plastic products are designed with 1 times parting surface of injection mold are determined. The mold cavity using a mold 2 cavity is arranged in a straight line, pouring system adopts the side gate forming, roll out in the form of mechanism to complete the introduction of plastic parts. Because the plastic parts of the process performance requirements of injection mold cooling system, so also in the mold design to design. The design of the reference to a lot of literature, is still on the Internet to find information, the design process is complete.
    Keywords:1 injection mold parting surface; the side gate; inside the pumping
    目  录
    1  前 言  1
    2  模塑工艺规程的编制 5
    2.1  塑件的原材料工艺性分析 5
    2.1.1  注塑模工艺条件 5
    2.1.2  化学物理特性 5
    2.2  塑件的结构和尺寸精度及表面质量分析 6
    2.2.1  结构分析 6
    2.2.2  尺寸精度分析 6
    2.2.3  表面质量分析 6
    2.3  塑件注塑工艺参数的确定 6
    2.4  注塑模工艺条件 7
    2.5  注塑机的选用 7
    2.6  模架的选用 8
    3  注塑模的结构设计 9
    3.1  分型面选择9
    3.2  确定型腔的数目及排列方式9
    3.2.1  模腔数量的确定 9
    3.2.2  型腔的排列方式 10
    3.3  浇注系统设计11
    3.3.1  主流道与浇口套的设计 11
    3.3.2  分流道设计 12
    3.3.3  浇口设计 12
    3.3.4  排气结构的设计 13
    3.3.5  主流道衬套的选取 13
    4  注塑模具的有关计算  14
    4.1  成型零件结构设计 14
    4.1.1  下型腔的设计 14
    4.2  成型零件工作尺寸的计算 14
    4.2.1  型腔工作尺寸的计算 14
    4.2.2  型芯工作尺寸的计算 15
    5  模具加热和冷却系统的设计  16
    6  模具闭合高度确定  18
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