

    毕业论文关键词 手枪弹 7.62mm  螺旋弹鼓 固定外筒    


    Title      Spiral drum of type 51 pistol      

    Abstract This topic is intended to spiral 51 type 7.62mm handgun ammunition drum programs to explore, study 51 type 7.62mm coil spring drum works, analyzing 51 style handgun motion characteristics. This paper mainly for 7.62mm handgun ammunition - drum coil spring structure was designed and calculations show that designs, using three-dimensional solid modeling software Solidworks, drum major components of spiral shells are two-dimensional engineering drawings. Opponents bullet shells spiral drum work principle, for the bomb timeliness and operational reliability as well as design requirements are comprehensive analysis of the strength of the fixed outer cylinder for a simple check, and the study of some of the issues raised in the presence of the corresponding solutions.

    Keywords  Handgun 7.62mm  Spiral Drum  Fixed outer cylinder

    1  引言 1

    1.1  设计综述 1

    1.1.1  枪弹轴向排列弹鼓 2

    1.1.2  枪弹径向排列弹鼓 2

    1.2  研究背景及意义 2

    1.3  发展状况 3

    1.4  软件及设计方法 4

    1.5  课题的主要工作及文本的主要内容 5

    2  螺旋弹鼓原理及组成部分 7

    2.1  螺旋弹鼓的总体方案设计 8

    2.1.1  旋转体 8

    2.1.2  固定外筒 8

    2.1.3  中轴部分 8

    2.1.4  扭簧 9

    2.2  枪弹尺寸的确定 9

    3  螺旋弹鼓的结构设计 11

    3.1  结构组成 11

    3.1.1  旋转体的结构设计 12

    3.1.2  固定外筒的设计 13

    3.1.3  中轴的设计 14

    3.2  进弹机构设计 15

    3.2.1  进弹口位置的确定 15

    3.2.2  扣弹齿设计 16

    3.2.3  导引斜面设计 17

    3.3  供弹及时性分析 17

    4  圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧设计 19

    4.1  扭簧的分析计算 19

    4.1.1  扭簧的用途 19

    4.1.2  圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧的特点

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