

    关键词  齿轮轴  传动比  变位系数 强度 刚度  


    Title     The design of a transmission input shaft


    The transmission of automobile can be pided into Manual Transmission, Automatic Transmission and Semi-Automatic Transmission. This thesis aims at designing the input shaft of an Manual Transmission. The transmission is the core part of the drive train, and so as the input shaft, it is an important component of the transmission. The power of the engine is transferred to the drive wheels by the transmission according to the driving condition , while the input shaft is the key component to transmit the power from clutch to output shaft. The design in this paper is based on some related parameters of Volkswagen jetta models. The paper Combines CAD design and CAE analysis process , and makes the 2 d and 3 d mode according the designing results. In addition, the stiffness and strength analysis about the shaft ensures its dependability. 

    Keywords  Gear axle  transmission ratio   modification coefficient strength   stiffness

    1  绪 论 1

    1.1  手动变速器概述 1

    1.2  本文研究内容 1

    2  变速器总体方案设计 2

    2.1  两轴式变速器结构设计与分析 2

    2.2  变速器动力传递分析与输入轴系设计分析 3

    2.3  本章小结 5

    3  变速器主要参数的确定 6

    3.1  挡数的确定 6

    3.2  初选传动比 6

    3.3  变速器中心距及外形尺寸的确定 8

    3.4  变速器齿轮参数的确定 8

    3.5  本章小结 10

    4  变速器输入轴齿轮的设计与强度校核 11

    4.1  齿轮结构设计 11

    4.2  齿轮的强度校核 16

    4.3  本章小结 21

    5  变速器输入轴的设计与校核 22

    5.1  变速器输入轴的结构设计 22

    5.2  输入轴的强度校核 24

    5.3  基于CATIA的输入轴三维建模 31

    5.4  本章小结 32

    6  基于CATIA的变速器输入轴有限元分析 33

    6.1  分析前处理

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