




    Abstract The ship has a long history, from ancient to modern ships in general to large-scale persification. Ship production process cumbersome, high technical difficulty. This requires shipbuilding enterprises to better manage capacity and technical level. In the shipbuilding process, the production design of ship design is an important part. Production design to provide reliable information on construction data, the production process more cumbersome order of ship construction process of the construction site.

    Production design is a crucial part of ship design. Production design process is the process of the completion of the entire ship. As we speak, time is a kind of money. Excellent production design, can reduce the difficulty of production work. It can avoid duplication of work effectively, effectively shorten the design of the production cycle. Thus greatly improve the construction of the whole ship completion time. Greatly improve the working efficiency. The current shipbuilding industry as a whole is not so boom, industry competition is fierce. Enterprise Our approach will determine the future development of enterprises, enterprises must deepen production design concept, continuing the tradition of shipbuilding mode is changed to the advanced shipbuilding mode, which is the survival of the enterprise.

    This article is about production design that based on the current situation and development of bulk carrier and ship production design combined with the production ability of the shipyard, in line with the production flow, a viable production design is generated for the engine room side E31P of 2700TEU container ship from the detailed design. In this design, basic constructions plan of the ship , subsection pision plan of the ship, general arrangement plan of the ship, the mid-transverse section plan of the ship and guideline of the building are given, and then the construction essentials is decided, then are drawing subsection charts and makeup chart. The crane of the integration also is designed after the weight of the subsection and the gravity point is calculated and diagram of the detailed accessories is given. It also includes some discussion of the construction and the future development of the bulk carrier.

    keywords: Container ship; Production Design; Shipbuilding Technology 

    目   录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景

  1. 上一篇:80500DWT液散货船货舱舷侧S14P/S分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:2700TEU集装箱船货舱底部B19C分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸
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