




    Abstract Ship production design, as the name suggests, is the production of ships and design. And production needs efficience and saving, so that the benefits can be maximized, which is able to meet the needs of the owners and the state. What we need to do is such design. However, to ensure the ship quality in the construction process, it is necessary to combine the shipyard's actual production capacity, production process, production management, construction method and other factors to modeling refine the design drawing. And then put it into the shipyard production.

    The quality of the production design will directly affect the cost of the ship and the construction cycle, thus we can see its importance. Piecewise production accounted for a very important position in the whole production. It comprises a segmented parts processing and production process and finally arrives at the dock of the closure process. Therefore, it is necessary to close collaboration with a number of departments. Now how to arrange the production of segmented production is a problem we need to solve.

    This article is based on the present situation and development of oil tanker and ship production design, combined with shipyard capacity, production process, production management and construction methods, to make the production design of 10500DWT oil tanker deck HD11 segments. We need to design drawing and ensure the conditions of piecewise deterministic, and then you can set up segment map and the basic structure of the design drawing. In addition, this article also did some notes and ideas to the future trend of the characteristics of the oil tanker.

    keywords: Oil tanker; Production Design; Sub-production 

    目   录

    第一章绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究现状 3

    1.3研究的内容和意义 5

    1.3.1研究的内容 5

    1.3.2研究的意义 5

    1.4主要内容及结构安排 6

    本章小结 6

    第二章  油船的概述 7

    2.1油船 7

    2.2油船的发展 7

    2.3油船的分类 8

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