




     Abstract Since the 1960s, the pharmaceutical industry began to wide use centrifuge. But with centrifugal technical requirements of increasing, initial centrifuge has become increasingly unable to meet the various purification centrifugal technology high degree of fine processing of the 70s of 20th century began, the German Heinkel began to begin to study on a new type of centrifuge, double bag type centrifuge.

    WF1000 type double bag type centrifuge is a kind of modern new centrifuges. It can reduce the loss of the material, have a relatively high degree of purification, and the washing effect is better, products more than wet small amount, etc. advantages. Relatively in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry is, in these departments have the prospect of widespread use. The design and research of object is WF1000 type double bag type centrifuge structure design and the were calculated and checked. Then to WF1000 turn bags centrifuge rotating components of the structure strength analysis, and validation was not to meet the allowable requirements, then the Research and design of the drive system of WF1000 type turn over type centrifuge.

    The WF1000 the drive part of the bag type centrifuge design doubled. First drive system structure design, drive system is mainly through a screw rod and a mobile sleeve shaft and bear the axial force bearing to promote both inside and outside the shaft to move relatively to realize, this structure can make the centrifuge rotating parts is relatively reduced, and the structure becomes more compact, also the better performance of vibration, more energy-saving the design of motor selection Y series three-phase asynchronous motor, deceleration motor selection is a s series helical gears worm gear reducer motor.

    Keywords:WF1000 type centrifuge; driving system; drum; finite element analysis; 

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景以及研究意义 1

    1.2离心机的应用和发展现状 2

    1.3翻袋离心机结构特点和应用范围 6

    1.4本课题主要研究内容 8

    1.5本章小结 9

    第二章 WF1000翻袋式离心机的结构设计

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