    摘要本文简单回顾了霍普金森杆的发展历史及应用背景。然后根据应力波理论讨论了弹性杆中一文应力波的传播,两弹性杆的相互撞击,进而在理论上阐明了霍普金森拉杆技术的基本原理。霍普金森拉杆是由压杆发展而来,与霍普金森压杆相比,霍普金森拉杆的研制难度显著增大。小口径的霍普金森装置可以基本满足对均匀材料的动态拉伸性能的研究的需要。但是还不能满足研究非均匀材料在直接拉伸情况下的动态力学性能的需要。 本文主要介绍了直径为 50mm 的霍普金森拉杆系统。详细介绍了各个部件的的设计,包括子弹、杆件、空气炮、连接件、试件装夹方法及试件、保证管状子弹与杆系同轴的支撑装置,基座以及动量吸收装置等。子弹的设计中对子弹尺寸进行了确定;杆件的设计包括入射杆、透射杆及吸收杆,确定了杆件的形状、材料及长度。空气炮部分包括储气罐和发射炮筒。发射炮筒部分包括套筒主体、滑轨、活塞,其设计思路为滑轨安装在套筒主体右端盖上,支撑子弹避免其与入射杆相接处,活塞在发射炮筒内部,推动子弹运动,并为其设计有缓冲橡胶。设计过程中对滑轨与杆件之间的间隙进行校核,对发射炮筒壁厚进行强度校核,并对子弹的速度进行校核。储气罐设计部分首先根据压降 5%的要求确定其体积,然后确定了材料和尺寸,并对材料的强度进行校核。连接件的设计主要是指储气罐与发射之间的连接,本文使用的是高压钢丝软管进行连接。试件装夹采用的是在杆件上加工哑铃形槽用以安装试件,试件的形状设计成哑铃形。同轴度支撑装置用四个 M10 的螺钉固定在水平台上,通过三个调整螺母控制滚动轴承支架的伸缩,从而使滚动轴承伸缩已达到调整杆件位置的目的。水平台设计成分段式,上面开有螺纹孔用以与空气炮,支座,动量回收装置的固定。动量回收装置采用橡胶作为吸收能量的介质,并将其放在动量回收支架进行上固定。   30477
    毕业论文关键词  霍普金森拉杆  高应变率实验  空气炮  支撑装置 
    Title  The design of experimental device of Hopkinson tension bar
    Abstract This paper reviews the development history and the background of application about Hopkinson bar. Then discussing the elastic rod in one-dimensional stress wave propagation according to the stress wave and illustrate the principle of Hopkinson tension bar technique in theory. Split Hopkinson tension bar is developed from Hopkinson pressure bar. With the Hopkinson pressure bar compared,  the difficulty of Hopkinson tension bar significantly increased. A small size Hopkinson device can meet the needs of the dynamic tensile properties of homogeneous material. But it can’t satisfy the needs of the dynamic mechanical properties of heterogeneous materials in the condition of direct tension. This paper mainly introduces the system  of Hopkinson tension bar with the diameter of 50mm..The various components of the design, including bullets, bar, air gun, a connecting piece, specimen loaded clip method and specimen, and ensure support device for tubular bullet and the linkage coaxial base and momentum absorption device was introduced in detail. The bullet size was determined in the design of the bullet. The design of the member includes the incident rod, the transmission rod and the absorbing rod, and the shape, material and length of the member are determined.. The air cannon part comprises a storage tank and launching barrel. Emitting barrel part comprises a sleeve body, a slide rail, a piston, the design ideas to rails installed on the cover of the right end of the sleeve body, supporting the bullet to avoid the incident bar connected piston inside the barrel at the launch, promote the motion of bullets, and the design of the rubber buffer. Gap between the slide rail and between rods in the process of design check of emission barrel wall thickness, strength check, and check the speed of  bullets. The design of the gas storage tank firstly determines its volume according to the requirement of the pressure drop 5%, then determines the material and size, and checks the strength of the material.. The design of the connecting part mainly refers to the connection between the gas storage tank and the launching. The high pressure wire hose is used in this paper. The specimen clip is used to process the dumbbell shaped slot on the bar to fit the specimen, and the shape of the specimen is designed to be dumbbell shaped.. Coaxial supporting device with four M10 screws fixed on the level of Taiwan, through three adjusting nut control rolling bearing support telescopic, so that the rolling bearing expansion has reached the purpose of adjusting the position of the bar. Horizontal platform design component section, the upper open threaded hole with air gun, bearing, momentum recovery device fixation. The momentum recycling device adopts rubber as the medium of absorbing energy, and is placed in the momentum  recycling bracket for immobilization.. 
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