

    毕业论文关键词   螺旋弹鼓  固定体   旋转体   扭簧   强度    可靠性


    Title Spiral drum of type 56 submachine gun

    Abstract Ammunition handling institutions play a significant role in automatic weapons all institutions make use of this topic is a design of type 56 submachine gun spiral drum, through to the design of screw to play drum, know to play drum, the working principle, design scheme is determined, spiral shells drum structure size of each part are analyzed, and the spiral playing drums for timeliness, the strength of the torsional spring, the strength of the fixed body carries on the analysis and calculation, and analyze the reliability of screw to play drum, expounds the application value of the spiral play drum. This design play drum play large amount bulk densities, for playing the timeliness is good, the working characteristics of high reliability, unlike before playing the drum at the same time, this topic research play drum structure is simple, can be quickly installed on weapons, disassembly easy, convenient maintenance and maintenance

    Keywords  Spiral drum   fixed body   torsional spring   strength          reliability revolved

    1绪论  1    

      2结构设计  7

    2.1方案确定及原理  7

    2.2尺寸确定   10

    3供弹及时性分析  23

    4优化设计  26

    5发展与应用 27

    结论  28

    致谢  29

    参考文献 30

    图2-1  螺旋弹鼓 7

    图2-2  涡簧装配实例 9

    图2-3  整体三维剖面图 9

    图2-4  整体三维剖面图 10

    图2-5  56式普通弹弹头和普通弹 10

    图2-6  普通弹三维图 10

    图2-7  旋转体的三维实体图 11

    图2-8  旋转体的三维实体图 11

    图2-9  固定体三维示意图 13

    图2-10  固定体三维示意图 13

    图2-11  中轴三维实体图 13

    图2-12  扭簧参数图 21

    表1  表2-1旋转体的主要设计尺寸 11

    表2 表2-2固定体设计尺寸 12

    表3  表2-3中轴整体尺寸 14

    表4  表2-4武器进弹口尺寸 15

    表5  表2-5供弹口设计尺寸 17

    表6  表2-6圆柱扭转弹簧指数C数值表 19

    表7  表2-7扭簧参数值 22

    表8  表2-8扭簧设计尺寸 22

    1  绪论

    1.1 设计综述


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