    关键词:微型涡喷发动机  MCU  数据采集  反馈控制
    Title    The Design and Development of Control
        System for Micro-turbojet
    The micro-turbojet engine control system is a typical complex system. This article is,from the perspective of engineering applications,to carry out the hardware and software design of micro-turbojet engine testing and feedback control system. This system is designed based on the MEGA16 as the control core, which is used to deal with the temperature and the speed of revolution. After the analysis of the testing in the temperature,the speed of revolution,the data display module and the single-chip feedback control module,combined with the features of micro-turbojet engine control,we give the full performance of the MEGA16 microcontroller. In the practice,we make the focus on the analog signal acquisition,real-time display,and the design of the feedback control system. Through the graduation project,the design of the control system we completed has the advantages as follows: it has simple hardware circuits,full software functions,high speed,high precision,and control system is reliable and cost performance,which can be used for the simple control of the micro-turbojet.
    Keywords  micro turbine engines  MCU  data collection  feedback control
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究目的及意义    1
    1.2    微型涡喷发动机控制系统的国内外研究现状    2
    1.3    课题研究主要内容与方法    3
    2    测控系统总体方案    5
    2.1    温度测量一般方案    5
    2.2    转速测量方案    5
    2.3    硬件设计总体方案    6
    2.4    软件设计思路    6
    2.5    系统开发所需平台及软件技术支持    8
    3    硬件电路设计    10
    3.1    单片机模块    10
    3.1.1处理执行元件    10
    3.1.2单片机最小系统    11
    3.2    显示模块    13
    3.3    温度传感器模块    14
    3.4    转速传感器模块    15
    3.5    控制反馈模块    18
    4    软件设计    19
    4.1    单片机主程序设计思路及过程    19
    4.2    脉宽调制信号程序    19
    4.3    单片机模拟量采集及转化    20
    4.4    显示程序模块设计    22
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