

    毕业论文关键词:转动惯量  磁悬浮  有限元  结构设计


    Title   Methods of  Miniature Inertia Test Bench                     


    Based on the requirements of the subject, comprehensive comparative three methods of miniature inertia testing, consist of the falling method, single pendulum method and desktop pendulum method, the desktop pendulum method was finally selected. To measure the inertia of mode whose mass ranges of 30g-250g, this article completed the overall and structural design of the measuring system and other work ,and FEM of one of the important parts was completed. Test system uses magnetic levitation structure, and completes the control of levitation relying on PSD, magnetic levitation platform; completes signal acquisition and measurement of torsion cycles relying on photoelectric sensors , so that inertia can be calculated. Through improvements of theoretical bill, and analysis of the causes of measurement error in test, damping ratio algorithm was proposed for improving the accuracy of this test bench in the last.

    Keywords:  Inertia  Magnetic levitation  FEM   Structural Design


    1  引言 6

    1.1  构件转动惯量测试的意义 6

    1.2  转动惯量测试发展现状 7

    1.3  转动惯量测试方法研究现状 8

    1.3.1  落体法 8

    1.3.2  单线和三线扭摆法 9

    1.3.3  台式扭摆法 11

    1.3.4 复摆法 12

    1.4  测量方法的比较 12

    2   测试方法和原理的选择 14

    2.1  扭摆法测量转动惯量公式的推导 14

    2.2  台式扭摆法扭摆周期的测量方法——光电计时法 16

    2.1   光电计时法的原理 16

    2.2  光电传感器 16

    2.2.1  光电传感器的工作原理 16

    3、磁悬浮式测试台的机构设计 20

    3.1   总体设计 20

    3.2  磁悬浮功能的实现 21

    3.2.1  PSD传感器 21

    3.2.2  磁悬浮(电磁)轴承 23

    3.3  磁悬浮平台和磁力平台 24

    3.4  控制线路及放大器的选择 26

    3.5  数据采集卡和A/D转换

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