



    Abstract The energy is less and less on the earth, The development of new energy, wind energy as a new energy has been paid more and more attention .However, wind power generator when at work due to vibration and other reasons, often can not work normally. Research and development of damping support is particularly important..

    The gear box of wind generator hydraulic elastic support as the object of study, analysis of wind turbine gearbox movement of hydraulic elastic support, the structure design of gear box hydraulic elastic support, through the three-dimensional modeling and finite element analysis software to calculate damping demand to ensure the wind turbine gearbox hydraulic elastic support. The main research contents include the design of hydraulic elastic support structure for wind turbine gearbox, for parts for 3D modeling and understanding of hydraulic elastic supporting principle, installation process,  master the structure, part of the product and the role of mutual cooperation relationship. Study of finite element analysis software ABAQUS, the mechanical analysis of the stress analysis, elastic support, understanding the working environment and the performance of the hydraulic elastic support, pretightening force calculation of stud, and the leakproof plug seal selection.

    Key words: The wind generator;Gear box; Hydraulic elastic support;   ABAQUS finite element analysis;


    第一章   绪 论 1

    1. 1课题研究背景 1

    1.2风力发电发展概况 2

    1.3国内外研究现状和发展趋势 2

    1.3.1国外研究的现状和发展趋势 2

    1.3.2国内研究的现状和发展趋势 4

    1.3.3目前面临的问题 5

    1.4本章小结 6

    第二章 风力发电机齿轮箱减振支撑总体方案设计 7

    2.1风力发电机齿轮箱液压弹性支撑开发的需求分析 7

    2.1.1功能需求 7

    2.1.2性能需求 7

    2.2风力发电机齿轮箱减振器的种类介绍 7

    2.3风力发电机齿轮箱液压弹性支撑的结构与功能设计 11

    2.3.1风力发电机齿轮箱液压弹性支撑的结构 11


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