    摘要:废旧轮胎的循环利用不仅能够缓解我国橡胶资源的匮乏问题,为经济建设节约大量资金,同时可以减少“黑色污染”,成为我国发展循环经济的突破口,这对于发展循环经济、建立节约型社会意义十分重大。本文通过TJJD橡胶有限公司的实例,结合国内胶粉制造企业生产线及规范化管理的理论和现状,在调研的基础上,分析胶粉生产工艺和粉体生产设备各自的特点,并通过运用机械工程和工业工程专业的理论与知识、机械设计的方法,提出了一种可以吸收常温粉碎设备成本低,文护方便优点的同时,降低工人的劳动强度,减少人工干预的自动化胶粉生产线。本文为TJJD橡胶有限公司以及类似企业实现胶粉自动化生产起了指导作用,指导胶粉制造企业通过设备改进和规范化现场管理实现胶粉自动化生产的目标。关键词:胶粉自动化生产 工艺流程 破碎 粉碎 设备特点
    Title: The Design of Automated Powder Production Line
    The scrap tire recycling can not only alleviate the shortage of resources in rubber, save a lot of money for economic development, but also could reduce ‘black pollution’, becomes the breach of the circular economy development in our country, this is of great significance to develop circular economy and build economical society. Through the TJJD rubber Co., LTD examples, this article combined the powder manufacturing enterprise production line and standardized management theory and the present situation, on the basis of investigation, analyze the production process and the characteristics of powders' production equipment, and through the use of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering theory and knowledge, mechanical design method, proposed automated powder production lines which can absorb low cost, convenient maintenance advantage of normal temperature crushing equipment and at the same time reduce labor intensity and the human intervention. This article makes a guiding role for Tianjin Jeddah rubber Co., LTD and the similar enterprises to realize the automated powder production. And guide the powder manufacturing enterprises through the equipment improvement and standardization of the management to realize the automated production of powders.
    Key words: the automated production of powder, process flow, crushing, smashing, the characteristics of powders' production equipment.
     目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究意义    1
    1.3    我国胶粉工业发展简况和市场现状    2
    1.4    胶粉种类和用途    3
    1.5    胶粉常见生产方法    5
    1.6    胶粉粉碎及其粉碎设备    7
    1.7    胶粉的应用前景与展望    9
    1.8    论文研究内容    9
    2    现状分析及存在问题    10
    2.1    工艺流程分析    10
    2.2    总体布局现状    12
    2.3    生产现状    13
    2.4    现存问题综述    16
    2.5    本章小结    17
    3    基于SLP的布局方案    18
    3.1    SLP基本原理    18
    3.2    设计模型    18
    3.3    系统布置设计模式    19
    3.4    具体实施方案    22
    3.5    本章小结    37
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