
    摘要液压传动和电气控制相结合的电液控制系统在组合机床、自动化机床、生产自动线、数控机床等的应用越来越广泛。液压传动系统易获得很大的力矩运动传递平稳、均匀,准确可靠,控制方便易实现自动化。电气控制系统是机床的重要组成部分,要能对机床正确的安装、使用和维护,机械工程技术人员不仅要考虑机床的结构、传动方式,还要提出系统的控制方案。本课题通过对液压系统的工况分析和工作循环绘制出速度循环图和负载循环图,然后确定液压缸工作压力,计算出液压缸和夹紧缸的缸筒直径以及活塞杆直径,根据液压缸和夹紧缸的有效作用面积来确定动力头在各阶段的流量,其次根据液压系统的供油方式、调速方式、速度换接方式以及夹紧回路来拟定液压系统原理图接着对液压原理图进行系统性的工作分析,然后对液压系统的主回路和控制电路设计,绘制出电气原理图,最后根据动力头在生产线的工艺流程和动作循序来完成PLC设计。 50896



    Hydraulic and electrical control combined electro-hydraulic control system in combination machine, automatic machine, automatic production line, CNC machine tools and other applications more widely. Hydraulic system easy to be a great moment motion transmission smooth, uniform, accurate and reliable, easy to control and easy to automate. Electrical control system is an important part of the machine, the machine must be able to correct installation, use and maintenance, mechanical engineering and technical personnel to consider not only the structure of the machine, the drive way, but also to the system proposed control scheme. This issue through the hydraulic system of the working conditions and the working cycle plot speed and load cycle diagram cycle diagram, and then determine the cylinder pressure, to calculate the hydraulic cylinder and the clamping cylinder diameter and piston rod diameter cylinder, the hydraulic cylinder according to and clamping cylinder effective area to determine the power head at various stages of flow, followed by oil based hydraulic system mode, speed mode, the speed for access and how to prepare the clamping circuit hydraulic system schematic diagram of the hydraulic then systematic work analysis, and then the hydraulic system main circuit and control circuit design, draw electrical schematics, Finally, according to the power head of the production line to complete the process and action sequential PLC designs.

    Keywords: Hydraulic system;Electrical control;PLC


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2液压技术的发展与应用 1

    1.2.1液压技术发展的概况 1

    1.2.2液压技术的应用领域 3

    1.3电液控制系统的特点 4

    1.4电液控制系统设计分析 4

    第二章 液压系统的设计计算 6

    2.1设计的技术要求和设计参数 6

    2.2负载分析 7

    2.3确定执行元件主要参数 10

    2.3.1计算液压缸内径D和活塞杆直径d 10

    2.3.2计算各工作阶段液压缸所需的流量 13

    第三章 拟定液压系统原理图 15

    3.1基本方案拟定 15


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