    摘 要:破碎机是选煤工业中不可缺少的设备,也是原料、材料、燃料、电力和钢铁等部门所必须的设备。随着工业的发展对破碎机的要求也越来越高。    在工业应用中常用的破碎机类型有:颚式破碎机、圆锥破碎机、辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机,磨碎机等。双齿辊式破碎机有很多的优点,例如:具有结构简单、工作可靠、制造容易、文修方便等其他破碎机无法替代的优点,双齿辊式破碎机广泛应用于工业生产。本文所设计的双齿辊式破碎机是在原齿辊式破碎机的基础上,保留了原齿辊式破碎机的优点,并对其优化方面进行阐述。    本设计题目是轮齿式破碎机的箱体设计,是对破碎机总体结构考量、各种方案比较后而进行设计的。目的是设计出可以提高生产效率的破碎机。在本文中,首先介绍了各种破碎机的基本概念,接着分析了课题的目的及完成的目标,最后详细介绍了设计破碎机时电机的选择,偶合器的选择,轴的设计与选择,减速箱的设计,联轴器的选择等等。7675
    ABSTRACT  The crusher is the indispensable equipment in the coal preparation industry, but also the equipment necessary raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity and steel sectors.With industrial development is increasingly high requirements of the crusher.Commonly used in industrial applications crusher types: jaw crusher, cone crusher,roll crusher, impact crusher, grinder. Double Roll Crusher has many advantages, such as:the structure is simple, reliable, easy to manufacture, can not replace the advantages of easy maintenance and other crusher, Double Roll Crusher is widely used in industrial production. Double Roll Crushers are designed in this paper is on the basis of the original tooth roll crusher to retain the advantages of the original tooth roll crusher, and described its optimization.
       The subject of this design is the cabinet design of the tooth crusher, crusher overall structure considerations, the various programs carried out design. Design can improve production efficiency crusher. In this article, the first introduces the basic concepts of the crusher, and then analyze the subject of the purpose and goals, and finally completed detailed design and selection of design crusher motor choice, selection.
    Keyword:crusher; Double toothed roll crusher; study; improve ; design
    前言       随着社会的进步,原材料消耗不断增大,导致富矿资源日益枯竭,矿石品位日益贫化,绝大多数的原矿需要被碎和选矿处理后才能成为炉料。在工业生产过程中,粉磨过程会消耗大量能源,粉碎的任务是提供具有一定粒度、粒度祖长城和充分接力而又不过粉碎的加工原材料,以便于下一步的加工、处理和使用。世界上约12%的电能用于粉碎物料,期中约15%用于破碎,85%以上消耗与磨碎,磨机的效率只有1%,破碎机的效率达10%,而且与破碎机相比,破碎机能耗低,金属消耗最小,运转文护简单。因此,有用破碎机部分取代磨机的趋势,也即当前磨碎领域所提倡的“多磨少碎”。其关键问题是降低破碎产品的最终粒度。轮齿式破碎机的生产效率高,排料粒度小,所以,在当今矿山行业已成为不可或缺的

    1 引言    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.2 破碎的目的    2
    1.3 破碎的意义    2
    1.4 物料的粉碎    2
    1.4.1 物料粉碎的目的与意义    2
    1.4.2 破碎比    4
    1.5 产品粒度及物料破碎力学分析    4
    1.5.1 产品粒形与粒度    4
    1.5.2 物料破碎力学分析    5
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