



    The simulation design is a kind of computer virtual reality simulation of the real object motion trajectory of operation process, it will be the real three-dimensional model established in the computer through the three-dimensional software, a copy of its actual system dynamic demo, so vivid display of motion system, the principle, process of things to the people. Nowadays, design and computer simulation technology combined with virtual experiment teaching platform, in the modern education system is gradually play its the one and only. Authorware is a icon oriented multimedia software, has the advantages of simple operation, suitable for non-professional personnel rapid development of multimedia software. It does not need the traditional computer programming language, only need to use on the icon calls editor can control program activities to, so as to achieve the purpose of multimedia making. The main issue is the three-dimensional modeling by using the software of Solidworks of typical parts, and through the movement simulation of the typical parts of the shape and position error measurement experiment process and points for attention, as the external media file, the flow chart of the program design in Authorware, the computer aided teaching document the output executable. At the same time, compared with the traditional teaching mode and the computer aided teaching mode, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages.

    Keywords: CAI; multimedia instruction software; Authorware; the shape and position error measuring

    目  录

    摘  要 V

    Abstract VI

    目  录 1

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状和发展 1

    1.3  本次设计主要内容 2

    第二章  简述形位公差及检测 3

    2.1 概述 3

    2.1.1 形位公差的研究对象 3

    2.1.2 形位公差的项目及其符号 4

    2.2 形位公差带 5

    2.2.1形状公差 6

    2.2.2 位置公差 6

    2.3 基准 8

    2.3.1 基准的含义和作用 8

    2.3.2 基准的种类

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