
    摘要轮履复合式移动机器人是自动执行工作的机器装置。它既可以听从人类下达的命令,同时又可以运行人类预先编排的执行程序,也可以根据以人工智能技术制定的原则纲领行动。它的任务是协助或取代人类所不能企及的工作,比如在建筑行业、生产业或是在危险的区域。 轮履复合式移动机器人一般由执行机构、驱动装置、检测装置、控制系统和复杂机械等组成。而做为轮履复合式移动机器人主要组成部分之一的控制系统,就相当于人的大脑,控制着机器人的前进、后退、越障等行为,必不可少。轮履复合式移动机器人的控制系统给机器人定义了机器人的行为动作,执行能力,使得机器人的行为遵守人类定义的规定和法则。所以,不管是对于轮履复合式移动机器人来说,还是对于轮履复合式移动机器人的使用者,机器人的控制系统都是必不可少的。所以轮履复合式移动机器人控制系统的设计是一重要环节,因为它的设计关系着机器人的运行与对机器人的控制。52349




    Wheel-track compound mobile robot is automatic performing work machine device. It can accept human command, and can run in advance the choreography program, can also be based on the principle of with artifaicial intelligence technology make program action. Its task to assist or replace human work, such as manufacturing, consteuction, or dangerous job. Wheel-track compound mobile robot, driving device, general, the executing agency detction device control system and complex machinery, etc. As wheel-track, one of the main components of compound mobile robot control system, is equivalent to the human brain and control the robot's forward and backward, surmounting obstacles, etc, is indispensable. Wheel-track compound mobile robot control system is to define the behavior of the definition of human behavior and the law. So, whether it's for wheel-track compound mobile robot, or for the fulfillment of wheel users of the multiple mobile robot, the robot's control system are indispensable. So the design of the wheel-track compound mobile robot control system is a important link, because its design with the robot's operation and control of the robot.

    Control system design of a wheel-track compound mobile robot, mainly pided into the control system overall scheme design,control system hardware design and software design of the control system. This thesis adopts the single chip microcomputer as the controller, using C language programming to achieve wheel-track compound mobile robot control, including foward and backward and uphill task.

    Keywords:Wheel-track compound mobile robot, MCU,  C language 

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 主要研究内容 3

    第二章 轮履复合式移动机器人控制系统总体方案设计 5

    2.1 轮履复合式移动机器人的机械结构 5

    2.2 控制系统总体结构 8

        2.3 控制芯片选择 9

    2.4 电机控制电路设计 11

    2.5 本章小结

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