






    Abstract In this paper, the balance of institutions balance of objects: the parallel platform, which can be defined as: a fixed platform and moving platform passed between two or more of the independent movement of the chain is connected to two or more institutions have freedom degrees, and driven in parallel a closed-loop mechanism.

    Studied in this paper parallel parallel platform is a steel platform, the platform (moving platform) in the initial state, are inclined by 45 ° with the horizontal angle, and can complete range of motion of ± 45 °. Next platform when nearly vertical, gravity and the angle between the support strip is nearly 90 °, easy to make the support strip deformation, affecting parallel robot accuracy and service life.

    So gravity balance mechanism needs to be designed for the next platform (moving platform) to balance the load on to improve the support strip force status. In this paper, two aspects were designed to balance the body, the first aspect is the overall center of gravity of the moving platform looking for mechanism design, the second aspect is the two-dimensional plane with the actuator design.

    The first part of the design: semicircular arcuate rail and the guide rail at the end of free rotation, constituting the spherical work space. According to the spherical characteristics, when the traction point of the sphere when the acting direction of traction with the ball is always opposite to the direction of gravity, and in the same line, which can be the center of gravity from the line of action, to achieve the purpose of dynamic balance of gravity.

    The second part of the design: the upper end point of the traction force constantly move within the two-dimensional plane, and its set point of the spherical projection in a horizontal plane, i.e. the upper end point of a circular plane can move freely. This paper uses a Rα final structure of the program.

    Keywords: Parallel Mechanism;Seeking the center of gravity;Two-dimensional kinematic mechanism;gravity balance

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 并联机构简介 1

    1.1.2并联机构的发展历程 1


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