

    测控系统的设计主要是运用PLC,因为它编程简单、可靠性高、维护简单。一般的PLC主要包括电源、中央处理单元、存储器、输入输出接口电路、功能模块、 通信模块。它的工作主要分为三个步骤:输入采样阶段、用户程序执行阶段、输出刷新阶段。随着经济的不断发展,社会各个行业对于PLC的依赖也越来越高,与过去老旧的生产线相比,它可以为我们节省更多的劳动力、提高生产效率、提高使用寿命、降低故障率。


    毕业论文关键字:扁钢精整 ,PLC,可靠性,自动化


    This paper introduces the design of a steel finishing automatic production line control system.Introduces the development prospects and the importance of steel finishing automatic production line control system.Compared with China's deficiencies in high production efficiency, automation etc.The design of this system make up the deficiencies in these areas ,improve production line efficiency , and improve industry profitability, enhance the level of automation of the production process .This paper introduces the design technology and control process, steel finishing automatic production line control system in each part of the functions, requirements, and introduces the working characteristic of each machine and the principle of the control system, mainly introduces the hardware composition and software design, and the hardware principle diagram etc..

    Design of measuring and controlling system is mainly the use of PLC, because of its simple programming, high reliability, simple maintenance. General PLC, including power supply, a central processing unit, memory, input and output interface circuit, function module, communication module. It is mainly pided into three steps: the input sampling stage, the user program execution phase, the output refresh stage. With the development of economy, all sectors of society is also more and more high dependence on PLC, compared with the old production lines, it can save us more labor, improve production efficiency, improve the service life, reduce the failure rate.

    Through the design of this system can help development of finishing industry, along with the rapid economic development, the development of automation enterprises increasingly rely on production, PLC plays a great role in now, the mainstream in the future will become the development of the industry.

    Keywords: steel finishing ,PLC ,automation ,reliability

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2扁钢精整生产线研究现状 2

    1.2.1国外相关技术发展现状 2

    1.2.2国内相关技术发展现状 2

    1.3研究内容 3

  1. 上一篇:蚕用湿体饲料定量灌装机+CAD图纸
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