



    1. 蚕用湿体饲料灌装机总体方案的确定

    2. 主受力机构及核心机构的设计计算与校核

    3. 饲料灌装机主要部件的选取与设计

    并且,在整个设计中引用了AutoCAD2010 作为绘图工具,提高了绘图过程的速度、精度。AutoCAD完成了饲料灌装机及主要部件的绘图。



    Filling machine has a huge role in industrial processes, It is mainly used for wine, fodder, medicines, etc. This design is mainly study of silkworm with pasty feed quantitative filling ..Because of water is greater in the feed,the feed is pasty. This filling machine mainly composed by the material cylinder, measuring cylinders, filling valve, stirring mechanism and the drive mechanism.In the filling process, we need to calculate how much we’ll filling according to the design requirements, and then calculate the volume according to the weight of feed, so we can design a filling tube for filling.When the filling begins,the Spiral Fan in te hopper begin to mix the pasty feed,then the feed will be Squeezed out easily.When the mixing is finished,the air cylinder push the filling tube to work,the feed will be Squeezed out by the work of air cylinder. The feed is squeezed into a pocket,the program of filling is done. 

      The design has a detailed design according to the design requirements, the specific design of each step see below.

      Mainly related content includes:

      1 feed filling machine to determine the overall program

      2 main force institutions and core mechanism design calculations and checking

      3.The selection and design of the feed filling machine’s major components

      And, throughout the design AutoCAD2010 cited as drawing tools to improve the process of drawing speed, accuracy. AutoCAD complete feed filling machine and the main components of the drawing.

    Keywords: Silkworm;Pasty feed;Filling machine;Quantitative 

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 家蚕人工饲料 1

    1.2 饲料加工机械 2

    1.3 什么是灌装机 3

    1.4我国灌装机发展现状及趋势 3

    1.5本设计的目的和意义 4

    第二章 设 计 6

    2.1灌装与定量的基本方法 6

    2.1.1 灌装方法的确定 6

    2.1.2 定量方法的确定 7

    2.2整体设计分析 7

    2.2.1 料斗的设计分析 9

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