



    To study the dynamics within the pneumatic nailer (including nail inside the gas temperature, pressure, and movement of the piston position), to model the entire pneumatic nailer, the overall model is the prototype, including the pneumatic nailer (storage energy chamber rodless chamber and the rod chamber), analyzing the parameters affecting Nailer work (temperature T and pressure P). In order to better model the application should not need to change the quality of the gas theory. The first law of thermodynamics and the energy conservation law to establish equations to solve Nailer internal temperature T and pressure P. Solved using Newton's second law of motion derived unknown variables, the solution that we need to establish the dynamic differential equations.We solved the demand to establish a dynamic differential equations. The use of simulation modeling and simulation software MATLAB, come in three pneumatic nail gun chamber pressure and temperature curve, in order to better research, but also the movement of the piston curve. The resulting curve will be our focus induction, analysis Nailer work each chamber situation. Then change the parameters, the resulting curve is compared with the original to see how to design pneumatic nailer pneumatic nailer to make the performance work efficiency, so that needle injection at maximum initial velocity.

    Keywords:Pneumatic nail gun;Mathematical model;Simulation


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 3

    1.3主要研究内容和意义 7

    第二章 气动钉枪 8

    2.1 气动钉枪的构造 8

    2.2 气动钉枪的工作原理 9

    第三章 气动钉枪的建模 11

    3.1 变质量气体热力学过程数学模型 11

    3.2对各个腔室进行建模 13

    3.21蓄能腔的建模 14

    3.22 无杆腔的建模 15

    3.23 有杆腔的建模 15

    3.3腔室的面积计算 16

    3.3气缸中的活塞运动方程 17

    3.4 气体的质流量计算 17

    第四章 仿真及其结果分析 17

    4.1 应用MATLAB进行仿真 17

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