


    Abstract Currently, mechanical processing and manufacturing for the product of the productivity and accuracy of the level of demand is higher and higher, the simplex bit single spindle lathes have already can't satisfy the needs of industrial development. Therefore, development of adjustable, fast, flexible assembly, to adapt to many kinds of processing characteristics of modular machine tool is very urgent. Combination machine tools has the stable product quality, production efficiency is high, the edge features such as technical and economic effect is remarkable. This topic is in view of the diesel engine cylinder cover three combination drilling machine drilling process design. Diesel engine cylinder head production are usually in the bulk production, and on the aperture of the accuracy level required is quite high. So the combination machine tools for processing is quite reasonable. Combination drilling machine with three sides drill at the same time the processing required for this process about three surface after a total of seven holes, not only greatly shorten the process time, and to reduce the positioning and clamping error, improves the machining accuracy of parts. This topic mainly task is the overall design of a machine tool and the design of the spindle box, right to draw the machining process diagram, schematic diagram, the size of the machine tool connection diagram, etc., and overall and right to machine tool spindle box for the corresponding modeling, image clearly display design results.

    Keywords: combination drilling machine, size chart, spindle box, the transmission system.


    第一章     绪论 1

    第二章     组合机床总体设计 5

    2.1 总体方案论证 5

    2.1.1  加工零件的工艺性分析 5

    2.1.2  组合机床配置型式的选择 6

    2.1.3  零件定位基准的确定 7

    2.2 确定切削用量及刀具的选择 8

    2.2.1  切削用量的选择 8

    2.2.2  刀具耐用度的验证 9

    2.2.3  选择刀具结构 12

    2.3 组合机床总体设计—“三图一卡” 12

    2.3.1  被加工零件工序图 13

    2.3.2  零件的 加工示意图 14

    2.3.3  机床的联系尺寸图

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