
    摘要在机械建筑、火力发电和采矿等工业领域的整个能量和经济成本消耗中, 耐磨材料占了很大的比例,可见耐磨材料的重要性。我国已经成为金属材料生产大国之一,但是我们国家的生产效率相对其他国家较低,而且劳动强度又大。因此对线材制品而言,迫切需要自动化程度高的弯丝机。本文进行了几种设计方案的比较,选定了合理方案。进行弯丝机机构设计,并使用ANSYS软件,对关键零件进行有限元分析,得到其应力状态,分析设计参数是否合理,在并在Solidworks环境下,建立弯丝机的三维实体模型。通过虚拟样机技术,在ADMAS平台上,利用Solidworks和ADAMS之间的数据转换,将Solidworks模型导入ADMAS中,建立弯丝机的虚拟样机模型。在ADMAS平台上,模拟出弯丝机虚拟样机的运动,进行运动学、动力学分析,最后通过将分析得出的弯丝机工作机构的位移和速度曲线与设计时的理论参数作比较,检验出设计方案是合理的。50059



    Wear-resistant materials in the building materials, thermal and metallurgical and mining and other industrial areas and economic costs of the entire energy consumption accounts for a size-able proportion. China has become the largest producer of metallic materials, but our nation's productivity is low relative to other countries, and the labor intensity is bigger.Therefore, wire products, the urgent need for a high degree of automation wire bending machine.Based on a comparison of several designs, selected a reasonable solution.  Each component of the motion parameters was analyzed and calculated. based this and using ANSYS software for the finite element analysis on the key parts,the stress state was obtained, and then analyze whether it is reasonable, and finally in Solidworks, three-dimensional solid model of wire bending machine was built . In order to verify the rationality of design, this paper also uses virtual prototype technology, with ADMAS software, three-dimensional solid model of success into ADAMS, the simulation model of a bent wire machine was been established.In ADAMS environment, by motion simulation and kinematics analysis fou bending wire machine, the displacement and velocity curve of the working bodies of the bent wire machine was been obtained .comparing it with the design parameters, drawn design is reasonable.

    Keywords:Wire Bending Machine ;ANSYS Analysis ;  Virtual Prototyping Technology ;ADAMS Simulation

     目   录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景 1

    1.2 课题的意义 2

    1.3 课题的内容 3

    第二章 弯丝机系统方案设计 4

    2.1 系统方案的选取 4

    2.2拨丝折弯法的运动 7

    2.3丝的运动分析 8

    2.3.1 丝的进给速度 8

    2.3.2 丝被折弯时的速度和加速度 9

    2.4 丝被折弯时的受力分析 10

    2.5 本章小结 10

    第三章  弯丝机机构设计及计算 12

    3.1  软件的特点及使用功能 12

    3.2  弯丝机主要机构设计及计算 12

    3.2.1 齿轮传动机构设计 12

    3.2.2 凸轮机构设计

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