



    Abstract The tensile testing machine is the important part of 1200 tons test platform . The valve chain is the important assurance that the tensile testing machine can work safely and reliably. In the design process of button-chain , select reasonable structural design , the relevant parameters of analysis and calculation , It will directly affect the life of the valve chain , quality and safety. This paper describes the role of the valve chain , function and basic working principle . By the reference to the relevant literature, and thus it designed to be reviewed.

    In this paper, according to the structural program design of conditions provided .Then we will complete the analysis and calculation of the relevant parameters. Using 3D modeling software solidworks to design the key of components . Then we will take the motion simulation of the assembled valve chain . Finally we will use some of the key components finite element simulation analysis and propose optimizations. The design results have a reference value for the development and production of the valve chain.

    Key word : Button-chain , The design of valves chain , The components of valve chain , Motion simulation, Analysis and optimization


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 毕业设计课题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 2

    1.3  本文的主要内容 2

    第二章  掣链器总体设计 4

    2.1 掣链器的介绍 4

    2.2 三维软件SolidWorks 4

    2.3 掣链器的总体设计 5

    2.3.1  掣链器零件的建模 5

    2.3.2 掣链器二维图的绘制 7

    第三章  掣链器的分析计算 9

    3.1 液压缸的设计 9

    3.1.1 液压缸基本介绍 9

    3.3.2 液压缸的结构尺寸设计计算 9

    3.2销轴的计算分析 13

    第四章  掣链器的运动仿真 17

    4.1 仿真的意义 17

    4.2  掣链器的运动仿真 17

    第五章  关键零部件的有限元分析 19

    5.1 有限元的介绍 19

    5.2 有限元法分析计算的思路和做法 19

    5.3有限元对掣链器零件的分析 21

    总结 27

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