

    本论文首先对数控系统插补原理进行了基本的简介,接着对Visual Basic进行了概述。然后对几种插补方式进行了剖析,包括逐点比较法、数字积分法和数据采集法,分别介绍了三种插补法的直线和圆弧的插补原理。再然后在Visual Basic之上做出软件界面,根据三种插补原理设计出软件程序,对程序进行调试,使之能够实现直线和圆弧的插补,能够实现单步插补,并显示出计算过程。最后,对此次毕业设计做出了总结和展望。


    毕业论文关键词:数控;插补; 逐点比较法;数字积分法;数据采集法;Visual Basic;

    Abstract    CNC technology is the technology of automatic CNC machinery with digital program control. With the rapid development of computers, automatic control technology, CNC technology has been widely used in CNC machine tools, robots and a variety of  mechanical and electrical integration equipment. The interpolation calculation is the basic input data to the CNC system, the use of certain algorithms to calculate, according to the calculation results feed command issued to the corresponding coordinates.

        Firstly, a basic introduction to the numerical control system interpolation principle, then an overview of Visual Basic. And then several interpolation analysis, including point by point comparison, digital integration, and data acquisition method, introduced three interpolation, linear and circular interpolation principle. And then again in Visual Basic for above software interface designed software program based on three interpolation principle, to debug the program, to enable them to achieve linear and circular interpolation, to achieve single-step interpolation, and shows calculation. Finally, the graduation project to make a summary and outlook.

    The system by means of visualization of the image, given the dynamic interpolation demonstration process can help students be more intuitive understanding of the principles of CNC interpolation, NC teaching adjunct to, and the actual CNC machine the workpiece processing provides a theoretical basis.

    Keywords: NC; interpolation; point by point comparison; digital integration; data collection method; in Visual Basic 


    第一章 绪  论 1

    1.1数控系统插补原理概述 1

    1.1.1数控插补技术基本简介 1

    1.1.2脉冲增量插补 2

    1.1.3数据采样插补 2

    1.2VISUAL BASIC概述 4

    1.2.1Visual Basic基本简介 4

    1.2.1Visual Basic的作用 4

    1.2.1Visual Basic的前景 5

    第二章 数控插补理论分析 6

    2.1 逐点比较法插补原理 6

    2.1.1 逐点比较法直线插补 6

    2.1.2 逐点比较法圆弧插补 9

    2.2 数字积分法插补

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