
    摘 要叶轮加工是当今多轴联动数控加工最常见的实例。根据叶轮型式和性能的不同,以及叶轮的毛坯型式、结构、材料、外形尺寸、重量的不同,从而决定了加工方式的不同。加之生产类型的不同,工艺流程的长短及工序细化的程度、自动化程度差别大,但基本的工艺流程大致相同。49755

    本文首先基于SolidWorks三维建模软件,对整体式叶轮进行实体建模。根据整体式叶轮的特点和叶片的加工要求,对其进行加工工艺的分析。然后,针对西门子810D四轴联动机床的特点,定制了基于EdgeCAM的后处理程序。在此基础上将实体模型导入到EdgeCAM自动编程软件中,结合工艺分析,生成整体式叶轮的刀具路径。再利用 EdgeCAM仿真加工的功能,完成了程序的模拟加工仿真验证,确认仿真无误后生成NC代码。而在夹具方面,本文主要以三爪卡盘为主要的夹具,使用四轴联动的加工中心进行模拟仿真加工的策略。


    毕业论文关键词: 整体式叶轮;数控加工;EdgeCAM;SolidWorks


    The impeller machining is the most common instance in today’smulti-axis NC machining. According to the different types of the impeller and properties , and the impeller's blank type, structure, materials, shape size, weight, which to decide the different ways of the process. Combined with different the degree of refinement , degree of automation is different ,but the basic process is roughly the same.

    This paper is to the entity modeling on the Solidworks 3D modeling software for the integral impeller. According to the processing requirements of the characteristics of the impeller and blade ,  analysis of  the processing technology. Then, according to the characteristics of the siemens 810D four axis, made the program Edgecam post-processing based on it.The physical model will be imported into the automatic programming software ,which is Edgecam ,using this powerful functions to the tool path of the impeller, and using the function of the simulation Edgecam reuse to carry on ,and it can create a NC code after the simulation is correct. And the fixture, the major fixture in this paper is three claws, using the four axis processing center to carry on the simulation processing.

    The research of this subject can be subjected to the actual generation of improved application to other types of design and provide the reference scenario.

    Keywords: Integral impeller  NC machining  EdgeCAM  Solidworks

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2国内(外)发展概况及现状的介绍 2

    1.3整体式叶轮的主要用途 4

    1.3.1增压原因 4

    1.3.2工作原理 5

    1.3.2增压器设计 7

    1.3.3增压器技术 7

    1.4本文所需解决问题以及采用的手段和方法 7

    1.5本文主要内容 7

    1.6软件介绍 8

    1.7本文研究成果及意义 10

    第二章  叶轮的实体建模 11

    2.1叶轮造型方法概述 11

    2.2创建轮毂并生成叶轮实体 12

    2.3叶片模型的建立 13


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