
    摘要为研究镍基合金GH4169(Inconel718)切削机理,基于DEFORM-3D V6.1建立切削有限元模型并对GH4169的切削过程进行了仿真模拟,以软件刀具默认的几何参数及冷却参数的前提下,设定适宜的切削参数,改变刀具的材料,对材料GH4169切削过程进行了仿真,获得了只以刀具材料为变量的条件下,切削力、切削温度的变化情况,本次仿真以硬质合金刀具为主,分为涂层刀具和未涂层刀具,同时也使用金刚石刀具和陶瓷涂层刀具进行仿真,以排除软件刀具材料库材料数目有限的限制,比较几类刀具的切削效果。仿真结果表明:在其他因素不变条件下,改变刀具的材料对切削过程有较大的影响,切削时的机械冲击,可以明显的排除脆性较大的刀具材料,如金刚石刀具,同时,比较了同样基体的刀具材料,有涂层和没有涂层的切削效果,对GH4169材料,不添加涂层的WC硬质合金刀具是最适宜切削的刀具。49745

    毕业论文关键词: 镍基合金;有限元;刀具材料;切削力;切削温度

    Abstracts To research the cutting mechanism of nickel-based alloy GH4169 (Inconel 718) , we established a finite element model based on DEFORM-3D V6.1 and simulated the cutting process of GH4169 . Choosing the default geometric parameters and cooling parameters at first , and setting appropriate cutting parameters ; these two parameters are invariants , the only one parameter that is variable is tool material which is the research topic of this essay . Simulation process will be done after those setting , during the simulation process , Y STRESS and CUTTING TEMPERATURE are most important datas that we should export these graphs , and do statistics and analysis . Carbide tools are given priority to be simulated , they are pided into coating-tools and no coated tools , the study results show that the materials of tools have great influence on cutting process , the cutting mechanical shock can significantly get rid of brittleness tools such as diamond cutter , at the same time , WC carbide cutting tools is the most suitable tool for GH4169 .

    Key words : nickel alloy ; finite element ; tool materials ; cutting stress ; cutting temperature 

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 GH4169  材料简介 1

    1. 2 刀具结构、材料及工艺参数的选择 2

    1.2. 1 刀具几何参数的选择 2

    1.2. 2 刀具材料的选择 2

    1.2. 3 刀具工艺参数的选择 3

    第二章  有限元理论及其实际运用 4

    2.1 有限元法分析简介 4

    2.2 有限元法原理及运用步骤 4

    2.3 有限元历史发展历程及现状 5

    2.3. 1二维金属切削过程有限元分析的发展现状 6

    2.3.2 三维金属切削过程有限元分析的发展现状 8

    2.4 常用有限元软件的分析比较 9

    2.4. 1 Deform 9

    2.4. 2 ANSYS 10

    2.4. 3 ABAQUS 10

    2.4. 4 LS-DYNA 11

    2.5 DEFORM-3D-V6.1仿真的顺序 12

    第三章  DEFORM模拟过程前处理 14

    3.1 材料模型设置 14

    3.2 切屑分离及断裂模型

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