



    Abstract This graduation project focused and concise language the ordinary milling machine design transformation process, first introduced by the significance of the research background and Selected Topics, leads to the significance of this design. Then prepared from the parameters, transmission, transmission of the design estimates and checking ministries structural design and the design of the spindle components, checking the design of various components, and then through the assembly drawing. Parameter design of gears, pulleys, pulleys, bearings, cabinet.

        The main method used in the development process of this project are: 1. To collect relevant information and books of the milling machine spindle gearbox. 2.Read literature to understand the current milling spindle gearbox structure and characteristics of the work, understand the general design of the milling machine spindle gearbox structure and ideas. 3 .based on reading the relevant information literature, prepared the feasibility of milling spindle gearbox design program. 4.Familiar with AutoCAD software in all aspects of operations, expansion plan for the future spindle box (assembly diagram), the spindle would like to expand the map section map, part drawings to prepare.5. Consult the manual, complete the design and selection of the various systems of the spindle gearbox. 6.Pros and cons of assessment, the design of the milling machine gearbox design and optimize the final design results.

    Keywords: gear, structural design, shaft


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1目的和意义 1

    1.2课题背景 1

    1.4研究的主要内容 3

    第二章铣床参数的拟定 4

    2.1参数拟定 4

    2.2主电动机动力参数的确定 4

    第三章 运动方案设计 5

    3.1有级变速主动传动系统的设计概念 5

    3.2传动组传动顺序的安排 5

    3.3传动系统的扩大顺序的安排 6

    3.4拟定转速图 6

    3.5齿轮齿数的确定和布置 7

    第四章 传动件的估算和验算 9

    4.1三角带传动的估算 9

    4.1.1选择三角带的型号 9


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