

    毕业论文关键词:阀门;止回阀;阀体; 阀盖;阀瓣

     Abstract The valve control device of the fluid pipeline, it is used to cut and connected to the pipeline medium, pressure, direction and flow devices for fluid control. The design of this subject the valve to check valve.It is by the body, valve cover and valve. The body is one of the most important parts in the valve, it is the main flow channel used to transmit media under the pressure of the working media, temperature, erosion and corrosion, which is the basis of the total valve assembly. The valve cover is one of the important parts of the valve under pressure, not only to withstand the pressure of the mechanism, under the pressure of the valve opening and closing the impact during use. The valve flap is one of the important parts responsible for opening and closing the valve, through the pressure of the media in the course of automatic opening and closing the same time, prevent the media back. The design of the subject valve It eliminates the need for a lot of parts (such as stents, the plate stem rocker ...), save raw materials, and easy production, easy to use, not only the production time and cost savings to the company, but also brought a lot of convenience for the user.

     Key  words: Valve; check valve; body; valve cover; the valve

     目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外发展趋势与研究方向 1

    1.3 本课题的意义 3

    1.4 本课题的研究内容 3

    1.5 止回阀的特点 3

    1.6用途和性能规范 4

    第二章   船用阀门止回阀的设计计算 5

    2.1 设计方案分析 5

    2.2 阀体的设计和计算 6

    2.2.1 阀体的设计及基本内容 6

    2.2.2 阀体的结构设计 7

    2.2.3 阀体壁厚及其计算 8

    2.2.4 阀体中法兰的设计与计算 9

    2.2.5 止回阀密封面的选择及比压计算 10

    2.2.6 止回阀阀瓣的设计及强度校核 12

    2.2.7 阀杆的设计和计算 13

    2.3 止回阀的密封设计 18

    2.3.1 阀盖与阀体间的密封 19

    2.3.2 阀杆填料处的密封 19

    第三章 solidworks建模

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